
大众使用桌面FDM 3D打印机节省了16万美元的工具成本

自2014年以来,葡萄牙的大众汽车汽车工厂一直使用3D打印机来生产用于在装配线上的工具组件。大众汽车宣布,在2016年,该工厂使用FDM台式3D打印机每年节省160,000美元 - 将典型的生产成本降低了90%以上,而在工具开发方面的时间减少了95%。


This year, Volkswagen expects to increase savings at the factory to200000美元,果阿l of saving quarter of million in costs each year.

A 3D printed liftgate badge tool, used to accurately apply a car's model name. Photo via Ultimaker
A 3D printed liftgate badge tool, used to accurately apply a car’s model name. Photo via Ultimaker

Seven 3D printers, one-thousand parts

大众汽车汽车飞行员试点装配线目前由七个3D打印机的银行提供服务,其中包括Ultimaker 3和Ultimaker 2+。在一年中,该工厂拥有4,000名员工,将大约100,000辆汽车转至,包括大众Scirocco和Sharan Ranges中的车辆升级和新车型。

In 2016, the factory 3D printed around 1,000 tooling parts, meaning in the initial investment was recouped within 2 months.

Bank of 3D printers at the Volkswagen Autoeuropa Pilot Plant. Photo via Ultimaker
Bank of 3D printers at the Volkswagen Autoeuropa Pilot Plant. Photo via Ultimaker


One example of a component transformed by 3D printing is the liftgate badge tool. This is a tool used to accurately apply a car’s model name. Ordering the tool through an external supplier would typically cost Volkswagen approximately $445.

3D printing the part instead costs the company just $11. Lead time is also 89% shorter, with outsourcing taking an average of 35 days, and 3D printing just 4.

Comparative cost and lead time of outsourced and 3D printed liftgate badge tools. Image via Ultimaker on YouTube
Comparative cost and lead time of outsourced and 3D printed liftgate badge tools. Image via Ultimaker on YouTube

Furthermore, fragile parts of the 3D printed liftgate badge tool can be easily be replaced on-site. Previously damaged would have been scrapped by the factory.

Elsewhere in automotive

使用3D打印,大众也推出了试点项目,为其汽车生产可销售的备件, and used the technology in parts for a custom GTI model.

注射型公司Techniplas LLC在汽车行业的其他地方宣布由Avi Reichental领导的专业添加剂制造设施,前总裁兼首席执行官3D系统。此外,欧盟已经开始一个270万欧元的项目,旨在生产更环保的3D打印机材料,用于汽车。


Featured image: A 3D printed jig used to protect wheels when affixing bolts. Photo via Ultimaker