

在瑞士达沃斯举行的(延迟)年度会议之前World Economic Forum(WEF)已发布白皮书概述了潜在的路线图,以快速推动更广泛采用3D打印。


“By following the proposed call to action presented in our paper, a major leap in industrializing AM can be jointly developed from within the AM ecosystem,” reads the WEF’s paper. “With these changes, future business models and many new applications will be feasible in the next five to ten years, leading to a steady growth of the overall market, and offering disruptive potential for some industries.”

One of the World Economic Forum's meeting spaces.
世界经济论坛在瑞士举行的年度会议通常在一月份举行,但由于19年为止,今年被推迟了。通过Unsplash/Evangeline Shaw的图像。


Given its self-prescribed role as independent chair of a global summit, designed to encourage cooperation between public and private firms of all shapes and sizes, the World Economic Forum has a lot of ground to cover when it hosts the world’s business leaders in Davos each year, so unsurprisingly, much of what’s discussed isn’t directly related to 3D printing.

但是,当活动中的讨论确实深入研究了先进技术面临的障碍时,它们有时也可以深入了解添加剂制造的世界。例如,在两年前的WEF上,该组织发布了一项'Guide for 3D Printing’s Decision Makers’ and questioned the impact a digital border tax would have on the technology’s wider adoption.

同样,在将于5月22日至26日举行的2022年版瑞士峰会之前,WEF现在对3D印刷领域的当前状况进行了更新的评估。只有这次,该小组才与苏黎世和FraunhoferIGCV,IPTIAPT机构,通过直接与世界各地的制造业领导人交谈来揭示其所谓的“ AM真实故事”。


The World Economic Forum’s interviews revealed that cost remains the single largest challenge to 3D printing adoption. Image via the World Economic Forum.

Planning a ‘major leap’ in adoption

在其最新的3D印刷分析过程中,WEF采访了许多业内最大公司的专家,包括系统制造商EOS,Stratasys生命值,以及类似的认证公司DNV-GLTÜV SÜD,收养者从德意志·巴恩(Deutsche Bahn)to曼彻斯特版画.




The results of the World Economic Forum's business model relevance survey.
The study’s model relevance survey showed that firms are now increasingly seeking to enter serial part 3D printing. Image via the World Economic Forum.

In order to turn these suggestions into actions, that “carry the industrialization of AM a significant step forward,” the WEF adds that a concerted effort needs to be made to simplify the technology’s qualification process, drive down the cost of applying it within serial production and better market its circularity benefits.



The World Economic Forum’s full white paper titled “An Additive Manufacturing Breakthrough: A How-to Guide for Scaling and Overcoming Key Challenges” can be accessed这里.

Headquarter of TÜV SÜD in Munich, Germany. Image via TÜV SÜD.
Quality assurance leaders like TÜV SÜD also continue to publish white papers designed to highlight ways of widening 3D printing’s adoption. Image via TÜV SÜD.

3D printing’s repeated calls to action

在3D印刷行业中,公司和组织委托内部研究项目已成为普遍做法,目的是确定一种扩大技术采用的方法。就在去年,protolabs发布了其结果‘Decision Time’ survey这表明,有83%的石油和天然气公司正在权衡采用按需制造以进行备件生产。

Inkjet technology developerXAAR最近还发布了一份白皮书,表明其如何超高粘度技术can be used to unlock new 3D printing applications. Using in-house analysis, the company highlighted how the ability of its printheads to deposit fluids with viscosities of around 100 centipoises, is now taking the inkjet 3D printing and coating of parts to a ‘whole new level.’



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特色图像显示了世界经济论坛会议空间。通过Unsplash/Evangeline Shaw的图像。