
formlabs,,,,3D Systems and Xact Metal announce dental 3D printing updates ahead of Lab Day 2022

在美国最大的牙科实验室活动开始之前,已经宣布了一系列牙齿3D打印开发项目,Lab Day 2022,,,,tomorrow in Chicago.

Resin-based 3D printer manufacturerformlabs已经宣布了与牙科3D扫描仪提供商的新合作伙伴关系Medit使椅子侧3D打印更容易容纳牙科练习,而3D打印机制造商3D Systems已经与牙科材料专家合作Saremco牙科将其NextDent 5100 3D打印机与后者的CrownTec材料相结合,以开放一系列新的牙科诊所应用程序。

LPBF 3D打印机制造商XACT金属同时,它宣布将其扩展到牙科部门,以便为该行业提供价格和绩效的“新水平”。



Through their newly-announced partnership, Formlabs and Medit are combining their respective capabilities to make chairside 3D printing more accessible to dental practices. Medit users can now download Formlabs’ PreForm app, a software integration for preparing dental CAD designs for printing on Formlabs’ machines, directly from Medit in order to simplify the in-office workflow for clinicians.

牙科专业人员可以使用MEDIT的i500和i700口腔内3D扫描仪扫描患者的牙齿,然后使用Preform和Preform和必威APP精装版formlabs’ Form 3B+ 3D printer。临床医生还将能够使用formlabs的生物相容性树脂投资组合,包括其永久冠和临时CB材料。

“Formlabs Dental is expanding access to 3D printing, and doing so requires partnering with industry leaders like Medit to address barriers to adoption in the dental industry,” said David Lakatos, Chief Product Officer at Formlabs.




同时,3D Systems和Saremco还结合了他们提高牙科行业研发和市场时间的能力。伙伴关系将使Saremco的Crowntec可用于3D系统的材料Nextdent 5100 Dental 3D打印机和牙科软件以生产特定于患者的永久冠。


结合3D Systems的NextDent 3D打印硬件和软件,Crowntec可以由牙科实验室和诊所利用,以生产冠冕和其他修复体,据报道比前几代皇冠和桥梁材料强30%。

“Our goal is to enable dental professionals to become more efficient and by doing so, ultimately improve patient outcomes,” said Stef Vanneste, Vice President and General Manager, dental, at 3D Systems. “3D Systems has established itself as the leader in digital dentistry solutions which includes our extensive portfolio of NextDent materials. As we innovate to meet our customers’ application needs, this strategic partnership plays a key role in helping to enhance our materials portfolio.”

CrownTec现在可以提供3D Systems的NextDent提供给美国,欧盟和其他依赖于监管部门批准的市场的客户,分别有五种阴影:SW,B1,A1,A2和A3。3D Systems将在2022年Lab Day的展位上展示各种应用程序,包括其Nextdent 5100,DMP Flex 200,,,,Projet MJP 2500Plus,,,,andProx 800机器及其相关材料。

“In Saremco, we found a partner that not only shares our values and beliefs in regard to innovation but also possesses expertise in digital dentistry,” Vanneste continued. “Their CROWNTEC material is a strong complement to our NextDent material portfolio, and is yet another step in helping dental professionals improve patient outcomes.”

Employing CROWNTEC as part of the NextDent digital dentistry solution enables production of permanent crowns that are 30% stronger than those produced using previous generations of C&B materials while reducing material waste. Image via 3D Systems.
Employing CROWNTEC as part of the NextDent digital dentistry solution enables production of permanent crowns that are 30% stronger than those produced using previous generations of C&B materials while reducing material waste. Image via 3D Systems.


在2022年实验室日之前,XACT Metal宣布将其扩展到牙科3D打印领域,重点是金属牙科应用。根据公司的说法新介绍的XM200G金属打印机家庭非常适合生产牙冠,桥梁和可移动的部分义齿。

该公司正在与实现’s Pre-Print Dental Module为了提供特定于牙科的工作流程,涵盖分类,错误维修,打印定位,优化的支撑结构以及嵌套牙科部件的设计和优化。该模块已完全集成到XACT金属直观软件的Magics Magics打印中,以促进3D打印过程。

除了其硬件和软件产品外,XACT Metal还利用了两个认证的牙齿粉末BEGO MedicalMediloy S-Co是一种基于钴的牙科合金,适用于打印牙冠和桥梁,义齿框架,植入式假体和其他正畸应用。第二种材料,Wironium RP,是专门设计用于生产movable partial dentures with non-porous microstructures.

“At Xact Metal, we’re taking the essential specs of metal 3D printing and combining them with breakthrough technology to establish a new level of price and performance for the dental industry,” said Juan Mario Gomez, CEO of Xact Metal. “We have developed a high-performing and complete solution for dental labs using the newly-introduced XM200G with specific parameters tailored to the dental industry, a full software workflow in partnership with Materialise Pre-Print Dental Module integrated with Materialise Magics Print for Xact Metal, and certified dental powder from BEGO Medical.


一批XACT金属XM200G 3D打印零件。
3D printed parts on the XM200G 3D printer. Photo via Xact Metal.




Featured image shows软组织牙科模型3D由FormLabs打印。通过formlabs的照片。