Medical & Dental


Regenerative medicine specialistCollPlant与之合作比科firmCellink为了增加其3D生物打印乳房植入物的生产。

Currently undergoing preclinical trials, CollPlant’s bioprinted grafts are designed to degrade over time and be replaced by native tissues, in a treatment that could prove much safer than traditional augmentation procedures. In an effort to scale the production of these grafts, the firm has now begun working with CELLINK, in a partnership with the potential to unlock a market it values at $2.8 billion.

Cellink首席执行官Cecilia Edebo说:“我们很高兴能与一个分享我们的价值观和热情创造健康未来的合作伙伴合作。”“我们期待对乳房植入物产业产生影响,同时与套头衫建立长期的关系,其特征是在组织工程和再生医学领域的进步中取得进步。”

CollPlant's breast implant 3D bioprinting workflow. Image via CollPlant.


According to CollPlant, the fields of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering have undergone “unprecedented growth” in the last decade, with 3D bioprinting starting to gain traction as a means of creating viable, transplantable organs.

该公司自己的技术部署围绕着其烟草植物生长的动物或尸体胶原蛋白移植物的替代品。这种重组蛋白被称为“ rhcollagen”,可以处理成类似于人体产生的I型胶原蛋白的东西,可以植入降低排斥的风险,使其成为理想的再生药物建筑块。

In the past, CollPlant has worked with联合治疗学to 3D bioprint rhCollagen into可移植的肺移植, as part of a collaboration that was laterextended to the production of kidneys, as well as3D系统,为第三方创建两个组织和'集成的3D生物打印溶液,’ composed of bioprinters and bio-inks.

早在2019年,Collplant还宣布了其开发第一个再生乳房植入物。Made up of rhCollagen, patient fat cells and ECM components, these tissues are bioengineered to promote cellular regeneration once injected into those seeking breast augmentation or reconstruction, before gradually degrading, in a procedure that’s designed to leave behind no foreign contaminants.

Although not yet commercially available, CollPlant says that its breast implants could represent a “revolutionary alternative” to silicone implants or fat transfer operations, which come with a ‘risk of adverse events’ and ‘volume-loss limitations.’



This approach has seen BICO获取精确分配公司的分配for €80 million,buy Nanoscribe for €50 million,已知的2pp 3D印刷专家,以及花费6800万美元接管Mattek Corporationto expedite its animal-free drug testing model R&D.

自从其母公司收购了这些不同的技术以来,Cellink设法将其中一些集成到已经令人印象深刻的3D生物打印产品中。以及基于挤出的Bio X,Bio X6墨+系统,该公司现在销售基于光的管腔X+量子X Bio, with the latterincorporating Nanoscribe 2PPto unlock ultra-precise cell deposition.


Colleplant首席执行官Yehiel Tal补充说:“我们很高兴与Cellink合作。“我们认为,Cellink的高通量生物生物发电机和生物制造专业知识将有助于我们迈向成功的技术商业化,并为患者提供急需的解决方案。”

The scientists' 3D printed guide (pictured) proved capable of saving more breast tissue than conventional optimization methods. Photo via the Scientific Reports journal.


无论是作为癌症幸存者的治疗方法还是增强程序的替代方法,3D生物打印组织都在临床生存能力方面继续前进。就在上个月,法国初创企业愈合形状设法为其发展筹集了680万美元定制3D生物打印乳房植入物based around living patient cells.

Similarly, Korean biotechnology firmplcoskinrevealed in July 2021, that it was set to lead an international research project focused on the creation of novel可生物降解的乳腺组织移植。该计划已经看到公司开始与Yonsei University和medical device coating specialistLipoCoat, has receivedEuropean Commission支持170万美元。

在其他地方,3D打印也通常用于生产患者特定的手术指南旨在使女性癌症幸存者在乳腺切除术后保留更多的乳腺组织。在Asan Medical Center例如,科学家设法开发了使外科医生能够从肿瘤部位节省1厘米的组织,然后再使用它们来治疗实际的早期诊断患者。


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Featured image shows a 3D bioprinted soft tissue scaffold developed by CollPlant alongside 3D Systems. Photo via 3D Systems.