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从核能开始,这是一系列访谈中的第一篇文章3D printing and renewable energy随着研究人员,企业和世界领导人承受着不断增加的压力,以改善其可持续能源战略。

Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL) is the largest energy research lab in the U.S. “Clearly, further electrification of the manufacturing sector through 3D printing is the near-term opportunity for decarbonization,” say Professor Xin Sun, Associate Laboratory Director for Energy Science, and Kathy McCarthy, Associate Laboratory Director for Fusion and Fission at ORNL.


根据全球能源评论2021在2020年的共同侵犯期间,可再生能源使用量增加了3%,​​而对所有其他领域的需求下降。撇开大流行,绿色能源有continued to grow近年来,它在能源市场中所占的份额,预计将是到2030年的价值高达21.72亿美元


3D printing’s role in nuclear energy


例如,铀是最广泛用于核裂变的燃料,尽管它丰富了,但从技术上讲是一种不可再生能源,而高前期成本以及与核废料和植物故障有关的安全问题可能可能是灾难性的。但是,增材制造是starting to be deployed in this area减少许多关注点并领导指控是ORNL。

“ 3D打印核部件已经对当今的核部门产生了影响,” Sun和McCarthy告诉我。ORNL目前正在领导Transformational Challenge Reactor(TCR)由US Department of Energy(doe),目的是建立核反应堆核心使用其他技术以及其他技术。

他们说:“简化制造和降低成本的同时维持安全运营是核能未来的关键。”“高级制造可以通过减少研发时间来降低核能的成本new nuclear designs,能够更快地部署新技术,支持快速设计开发和integrating essential technologies like sensors和人工智能(AI)成组件,以确保核设施的安全运行。”

燃油组件支架是将插入核电站插入的第一个3D打印的与安全相关的组件。图片通过Fred List/Ornl,美国DOE。
燃油组件支架是将插入核电站插入的第一个3D打印的与安全相关的组件。图片通过Fred List/Ornl,美国DOE。


去年,核反应堆成分使用ORNL开发为TCR程序的一部分own 3D printing technologyfor nuclear supplierframatome安装在田纳西河谷管理局’s棕色渡轮核电站in Alabama.

“3D printing also allows us to manufacture designs that aren’t possible with traditional techniques, opening the door to component geometries not otherwise achievable through traditional manufacturing, leading to higher efficiency along with cost savings,” added Sun and McCarthy.

Looking ahead to other types of nuclear components ORNL’s 3D printing method could be suited to, the professors predict an increase in small modular reactor designs alongside a new set of geometries only made possible by additive manufacturing. According to Sun and McCarthy, these components will become integral to the digital infrastructures of current nuclear facilities.

“Smart components with sensors that integrate with data management systems are appealing both for routine nuclear operations and for the development of advanced nuclear systems,” they add. “An example of an application for these sensors is online monitoring – looking for signs of component degradation enabling repair prior to failure.


Framatome的沸水燃料组件的ORNL 3D打印通道紧固件。通过Framatome的照片。
ORNL 3D printed channel fasteners for Framatome’s boiling water reactor fuel assembly. Photo via Framatome.



“ ORNL一直处于这项研究的最前沿,通过AI和机器学习开发了数字制造技术,可以帮助支持“出生合格”组件的制造。如今,ORNL生产的每个组件都有独特的数字护照,可捕获制造过程的整个历史。”

ORNL打印组件的方法最近获得许可by theUltra Safe Nuclear Corporation(USNC) using refractory methods such as silicon carbide, marking a significant step forward for the technology’s wider adoption in nuclear.


“In the future, 3D printing can enable novel design through part consolidation and process intensification, leading to enhanced efficiency and reduced cost of future energy systems and carbon capture systems,” they add.

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特色图片显示一个ORNL 3D printed channel fasteners for Framatome’s boiling water reactor fuel assembly. Photo via Framatome.