

西门子continue advancing into the 3D printing industry via a partnership with 3D printer manufacturers, Trumpf. We take a closer look at the implications for the additive manufacturing world.

German company Trumpf specialize in 3D printing metal, with two different technologies ‘激光金属融合‘ (LMF) and ‘激光金属沉积”(LMD)。与西门子integ将他们的伙伴关系rate the metal powder-bed-based LMF technology with Siemens PLM’s NX software and is intended to streamline the process of 3D printing metal.去年在Formnext展出, the 3D printer manufacturer proudly displayed their LMF machines, the TruPrint 3000 and TruPrint 5000. The NX software provides an end-to-end solution for designing and preparing 3D printed metal parts.

西门子正在与许多工业3D印刷公司合作,包括Stratasys,合并他们的3D设计软件。最近我们报道了实现signed a major design software agreement with Siemens。除了与特朗普的合作伙伴关系外,这表明西门子在3D印刷市场上的立场。竞争对手GE采取了一种方法收购3D印刷公司,例如概念激光和Arcam, Siemens instead continue to announce new 3D printing partners, opting for与之合作而不是买断

Although it is too early to gauge the commercial success of what is a long-term strategy for both enterprises, 3DPI will be watching closely when GE announce financial results later this week.

The TruPrint 3000. Image via Trumpf.

Referred to as ‘TruTops Print with NX’, the software package will be sold with the TruPrint Laser Metal Fusion printers. The NX software addresses the 3D design process, and preparation for printing through the ‘综合特朗普建立处理器技术。’

西门子PLM软件总裁兼首席执行官Tony Hemmelgarn说


Helmut Zeyn of Siemens Digital Factory Division presenting at Materialise booth during Formnext with Trumpf exhibiting opposite. Photo by Michael Petch.
Helmut Zeyn of Siemens Digital Factory Division presenting at Materialise booth during Formnext with Trumpf exhibiting opposite. Photo by Michael Petch.

During Formnext Siemens gave several demo’s. This included a presentation at Materialise’s booth. As the largest manufacturing company in Europe and long term business rival of GE, how these partnerships develop in 2017 will be most interesting to watch.

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