


As part of an experiment conducted withNASA, 这美国国家实验室and生命值,康奈尔的建模软件已集成到惠普的空间borne Computer-2为了模拟3D打印过程如何在太空中以获得所需的组件,并预测零件质量。

“以前,由于时间和空间尺度和高热梯度的差异,这在计算上是不可行的,”康奈尔大学设计该软件的博士生Terrence Moran说。“因此,我们使用基于物理的模型开发了该软件,使其可移植并将其上传到ISS。

“It was successfully run and the results were consistent with the results we’d done during our research. The timing and everything were the same.”


AM testing in space

The experiment was one of many carried out over the last year to demonstrate the functionality of HP’s Spaceborne Computer-2, which was installed on the ISS in February last year as reportedly the first commercial edge computing system with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Spaceborne Computer-2旨在实时处理空间中的大量数据,并解决与将数据来回传递到地球相关的长延迟和等待时间的问题。莫兰说,到目前为止,从处理医学成像到DNA测序的机器范围进行的实验以及添加剂制造也是测试的关键候选者。

According to him, 3D printing is “absolutely critical to the things NASA wants to do with deep space exploration and going to Mars,” and this has been backed up by several additive manufacturing-related projects undertaken by NASA in recent years.

例如,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)与发射器andvelo3d探索制造3D印刷火箭发动机,并且以前曾与研究人员合作Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory(apl)开发一个太阳能火箭推进自己的技术。

3D打印也已用于设计和测试元素AI驱动的Lunar Roverthat could be deployed during NASA’s mission to return to the moon, and in the production of a habitat that准确重新创建条件未来的宇航员将在火星上体验。去年,NASA向ISS推出了一套新的科学实验,其中之一是太空系统专家Redwire到determine the3D打印Regolith的可行性用于月球结构的按需结构。

最近,美国宇航局选择了总部位于加利福尼亚的航空航天公司火箭实验室提供启动服务for its upcoming VADR missions. The firm’s Electron and Neutron launch vehicles are powered by its3D printed Rutherford engine,,,,which has already been印刷超过100次

Rocket Lab是已选出NASA VADR计划的十二个提供商之一。通过火箭实验室的图像。

Predicting 3D printed structures in space

For the latest experiment conducted on the Spaceborne Computer-2, Cornell, NASA, the ISS US National Lab and HP teamed up to better understand and predict the deformation and failures of 3D printed structures in space.

康奈尔断裂组在康奈尔教授德里克·华纳(Derek Warner)的带领下,莫兰(Moran)开发了一种专门的建模软件,能够模拟3D打印过程如何针对特定组件进行效果,以及结果是高质量还是低质量。

由于缺乏重力,时间和空间尺度的差异以及温度的根本变化,空间中的增材制造可能具有挑战性且无法预测。Moran将他的建模软件称为“虚拟打印的形式”,该软件将在3D打印构建过程中节省时间,材料和数字带宽,与Spaceborne Computer-2结合使用。

On January 1st, the partners conducted an experiment with the modeling software and the Spaceborne Computer-2 to simulate the 3D printing process for a desired component and predict the final structure’s quality. The modeling software proved successful, offering results that were consistent with the results seen in Moran’s prior research.


华纳说:“ 3D打印的魅力之一是您可以在本地制造。”“因此,关于这一点的整洁是,尽管空间可能是最极端的环境,对于军队,石油钻机或其他地方,但也需要做同样的事情。这表明这是可能的。”



ISS主持了许多项目和实验,负责探索benefits of 3D printing in space。微重力生物打印是一个受到很多关注的领域,尤其是3D printing living tissue in space。喜欢CELLINK,,,,nscrypt,,,,andRedwire在太空中制造都有国际空间站的生物生产商carrying out various基于3D打印的实验which could provide a multitude of benefits for medicine back on Earth.

除了生物打印,陶瓷专家ceramtec生产新一代陶瓷样品容器去年7月的ISS,作为一个项目的一部分空中客车防御and空间,和European Space Agency。The containers will be used to facilitate the precision measurements of certain thermophysical properties of metals, alloys, and semiconductors not possible on Earth.

Meanwhile, Redwire has unveiled plans to deploy 3D printing onboard the upcoming“轨道礁”商业空间站,,,,which will be complete with cutting-edge research facilities when launched into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) by 2026. The firm aims to contribute to the space station’s microgravity R&D and manufacturing activities through the technologies of its Made in Space subsidiary, as well as the station’s payload operations and deployable structures.



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Featured image shows国际空间站。通过NASA照片。