Open source

公开免费扫描超过20000的脊椎动物load and 3D printing

开放式毛发(公开)项目正在扫描来自美国机构的20,000至30,000流体保存的脊椎动物标本Morphosourceplatform, a platform hosted byDuke University

Funded by a US国家科学基金会(NSF) grant, oVert has brought together research institutions who will CT scan the specimens, which constitute around 80% of living vertebrate genera, using a network of digitization centers across the US. Educators, scientists and designers will then be able to generate highly accurate models for teaching research or creation.

通过应用诸如有限元分析之类的方法,研究人员可以对博物馆标本的压力和压力进行建模。该图显示了这种东部响尾蛇的尖牙在咬猎物时如何应对这些力。佛罗里达自然历史博物馆图像,埃德·斯坦利(Ed Stanley)。

3D scanning, 3D printing and the oVert project

扫描该项目,该项目始于八月一种t the佛罗里达自然历史博物馆,正在使用X射线计算机断层扫描(CT)技术进行。这会产生高分辨率的数字解剖学数据,然后可以将其表示为内部解剖结构的2D图像堆和整个动物或单个身体部位的3D表面。

通过Morphosourece,Part将提供特定研究的原始解剖学层析成像数据和在线3D模型的库,这些模型准备查看,下载,操纵和3D打印主要用于研究,教育和其他非商业用途(以类似的方式与如何Scan the Worldprovides一种3D library of sculptures).

To accomplish this, oVert will work with Duke to upgrade the interface and functionality of MorphoSource by improving its capacity to explore media andintegrate some metadata with iDigBio

“ CT扫描已经存在了很长时间,不同的研究人员一直在为较小的个体项目投资CT……但是,以前从未在这个规模上自由地免费获得由此产生的堆叠CT扫描。”堪萨斯大学’ oVert project, which received $88,000 of NSF funding.

“You could model, say, the evolution of horses based on their teeth. Or model something rare, like a monitor lizard such as the little-known Varanus bitatawa or a Sphenodon punctatus…”


公开in education, research and outreach

Current higher level research公开包括研究生物和灭绝脊椎动物之间关系模式的研究,测试形态进化的假设,生成用于测试假设的“结构功能”模型,对喂养和运动的研究以及脑和神经系统解剖结构的分析。



由...领着大卫·布莱克本和his team一种t theUniversity of Florida,,,,the oVert project also includes researchers at the德雷克塞尔大学自然科学院,,,,加利福尼亚科学院,,,,康奈尔大学,,,,Field Museum of Natural History,,,,哈佛大学,,,,Louisiana State University,堪萨斯大学,斯克里普斯海洋研究所,,,,德克萨斯农工大学,,,,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校,,,,密歇根大学,,,,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,,,,华盛顿大学,,,,弗吉尼亚海洋科学学院Yale University

Even delicate structures, such as the muscles in the hand of this Tanzanian screeching frog, Artholeptis tanneri, can be visualized and digitally dissected using contrast-enhanced CT. Florida Museum of Natural History image by Ed Stanley.
Even delicate structures, such as the muscles in the hand of this Tanzanian screeching frog, Artholeptis tanneri, can be visualized and digitally dissected using contrast-enhanced CT. Florida Museum of Natural History image by Ed Stanley.

Nominations for the second annual 3D Printing Industry Awards are now open.立即进行选择。

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Featured image shows oVert’sCT scan highlighting the heavy armor on the skull of this giant girdled lizard, Smaug giganteus. Florida Museum of Natural History image by Ed Stanley.