
EVO 3D加入了Evolution销售和营销,并以25万英镑的扩展

UK-based 3D printing service provider EVO 3D, formerly known asJ-Supplied 3D, 已经加入Evolution Sales and Marketing加强其为增材制造业提供的产品。

这group has also received £250,000 capital investment which it will use to expand into new locations in Exeter and Huddersfield, and enable it to better serve the needs of the automotive, aerospace, industrial, and prototyping markets.

马丁·杰维尔(Martin Jewell)在2018年创立了J-Supplied 3D,他谈到此举:“ J-Suppllied of Evo 3D的演变意味着我们可以专注于创新的添加剂制造项目,例如我们与普利茅斯大学和OREC的合作伙伴关系,并进一步扩展进入航空航天和汽车等高价值行业。”

EVO 3D的徽标。
EVO 3D的徽标。

EVO 3D’s service offering

Based in Exeter, EVO 3D offers a range of end-to-end additive manufacturing services, including 3D printing and design, 3D scanning, the resale of 3D printers and accessories, and technical support.

剑桥大学and sportswear giantAdidas是该公司的客户,他们利用其服务为多种应用在行业,研究,营销和爱好领域。此类组件包括最终用途的汽车零件,消费产品以及诸如假肢和植入物等医疗设备。

EVO 3D宣布发布本月早些时候,随着它收到了25万英镑的资本投资的消息,以进一步扩大其运营。

EVO 3D's SkyPark business site. Photo via EVO 3D.
EVO 3D’s SkyPark business site. Photo via EVO 3D.

EVO 3D的扩展计划

凭借25万英镑的投资,EVO 3D将于1月在埃克塞特和哈德斯菲尔德开设新地点。

该公司的销售和营销活动将移至Huddersfield,并与进化的销售和营销协调。该部门将从共享空间,资源和进化销售和营销的经验中受益。Cougar Gamingand爱国者记忆

Meanwhile, the firm’s extended warehousing and logistics operations will move to a 4,000 square foot unit in Exeter’s年代kyPark技术中心的举动将创造四个新工作。在接下来的二十年中,耗资2.1亿英镑的Skypark开发计划将成为西南最重要的商业园,并创造高达6,500个新工作岗位。

EVO 3D还将在其埃克塞特(Exeter)的位置建立一个新的特殊项目团队,由Jewell领导,该团队将开发新的3D打印技术和用于建筑和可再生能源领域的应用程序。

这company’s expansion will enable it to more comprehensively meet the increasing demand for 3D printing services and products within not only these sectors, but also within the aerospace, automotive, industrial, and prototyping markets.

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Featured image showsEVO 3D’s SkyPark business site. Photo via EVO 3D.