
Facebook launches sharing of 3D models with gITF 2.0 compatibility

Facebook使3D设计师和爱好者更容易通过引入对GL传输格式的支持2版(2)(GITF 2.0)用于3D帖子。

Fully-interactive 3D objects from a range of 3D design tools and 3D platforms can now be transferred seamlessly into the Facebook news feed, or theFacebook SpacesVR platform.

正如3D印刷行业在本周早些时候报道的那样Wikipedia现在有能力共享3D内容– and allows stl files to be included.

分享Oculus Medium对象与Facebook。Image via Facebook.


Facebook introduced support forembedded 3D models from Sketchfab in 2015,并于2017年启动了Oculus Medium对象的Facebook 3D帖子。

With the introduction of gITF 2.0 in Facebook 3D posts, 3D enthusiasts can now share content from an even greater number of 3D object platforms.3D scans from索尼的3D创建者应用程序和Oculus Medium Web画廊的对象现在在Facebook上得到完全支持,并且Google Poly对象are available soon.

GITF 2.0是2017年启动的文件格式the Khronos Group与其前身GITF更快,更有效地传输3D场景和模型的技术联盟。

要与Facebook兼容,3D文件必须以.glb格式(gltf 2.0文件的包装,二进制版本),并且可以使用转换软件将其他3D文件转换为它。只要以.GLB格式,可以将3D对象直接拖放到Facebook中,例如照片和视频。

GLTF 2.0材料模型,显示增强的纹理。通过Khronos Group的照片。
GLTF 2.0材料模型,显示增强的纹理。通过Khronos Group的照片。

Good news for 3D designers

Designers of 3D objects for 3D printing, AR, and VR can now share their creations directly to Facebook, where audiences will interact with them directly without having to follow any links. Facebook has also made developer tools available to enhance web content.

The introduction of Graph API endpoints means that 3D posts can be created programmatically using certain Facebook Apps, while an Open Graph tag lets developers make 3D content from their website immediately visible and interactive when shared on Facebook.

Facebook product manager Aykud Gönen said:

“In the future, we envision a seamless digital world where people can share immersive experiences and objects like these across VR, AR and Facebook News Feed. To get there, we’ll work on supporting even higher quality 3D models, enabling interactive animations and bringing 3D content into the real world using AR.”


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特色图显示了用户与Facebook NewsFeed中的3D模型进行交互。通过Facebook照片。