
Increasing 3D printer output with cutting and engraving capabilities from Endurance Lasers

提名2021 3D印刷行业奖现在开放,让您说谁现在领导该行业。



Endurance Lasers目前正在其激光投资组合进行促销,其10W SE豪华激光模块,15W Duos Laser Beam头和4W DPSS 1064 nm激光标记头的折扣很明显。

As such, 3D Printing Industry takes a closer look at the company’s varied laser range and how it can bolster the cutting and engraving capabilities of 3D printers.

Laser engraving on glass using the 15W Duos laser. Photo via Endurance Lasers.
Laser engraving on glass using the 15W Duos laser. Photo via Endurance Lasers.



耐力激光一直在制造插件激光系统since 2015, with its specialty lying in固态二极管激光器能够engraving and cutting a variety of materials, such as wood, leather and glass. After developing its激光雕刻and切割机, the company released its range of diode laser attachments, and in 2019 announced thedevelopment of its FAP800 range。这二极管激光附件的潜力任何人都可以利用使用CAD软件,G代码开发人员工具和桌面3D打印机来利用。

这technology works by installing a laser beside or in place of a 3D printer’s extruder, after which a design or cutting guideline can be prepared using CAD software then converted into G-code. This, in turn, is put through laser cutting software which prepares the G-code for the necessary operations.

Endurance用自己的专有技术生产二极管激光器和DPS,并在定制框架或升级包上安装CO2管。同时,Raycus的纤维激光器在公司的DIY Galvo机器中使用。

由耐力激光客户戴维·莫耶(David Moyer)制造的这种乐器是从雪茄盒中切下来的,并用耐耐力的10W激光雕刻了架子。通过David Moyer/Endurance Lasers的照片。
由耐力激光客户戴维·莫耶(David Moyer)制造的这种乐器是从雪茄盒中切下来的,并用耐耐力的10W激光雕刻了架子。通过David Moyer/Endurance Lasers的照片。

4W DPSS激光模块

4W DPSS laser module是理想的爱好者正在给了谁al marking a try with their existing 3D printers or CNC routers. The module’s 1064nm YAG laser is particularly suited for jewelry marking and color engraving of metals such as gold, silver, copper, aluminum, iron, and palladium, and also some ceramics, like sapphire glass. The laser is also capable of marking a wide range of plastics, including plastic film, prints, and packaging.



旨在达到成本和权力之间的平衡10W DeLux model是该公司最畅销的激光。豪华配备了尼希亚二极管激光器,具有445nm波长,能够雕刻雕刻材料,例如抛光和阳极氧化铝和钢,而无需使用雕刻粘贴,同时可以用粘贴在铜和黄铜上雕刻。


皮革钱包,上面刻有乔治·福利切夫(George Formitchev)制作的比特币符号。通过耐力激光器的照片。
皮革钱包,上面刻有乔治·福利切夫(George Formitchev)制作的比特币符号。通过耐力激光器的照片。





耐力的二极管激光器的关键好处是快速简便的安装into almost any 3D printer or CNC machine. Avoiding soldering or complicated upgrades, the firm’s lasers can be connected via a 3D printer’s FAN 1 and FAN 2 pin outputs, and in many cases the extruder or mill does not need to be removed.

Furthermore, no additional software is needed to enable the lasers’ engraving and cutting capabilities. Instead, Engraving and cutting can be controlled by common 3D printing slicing programs such as Cura, Repetier, Slic3r and Simplify3D. The firm has previously demonstrated the installation of its diode lasers in multiple操作视频

耐力激光器的目标是向3D印刷制造商,业余爱好者和中小型企业开放激光切割和雕刻的可及性。它的各种类型和功率水平的激光器组合都符合一系列预算和要求,并能够实现whole host of different applications

As such, the company has continued to grow its激光爱好者社区andprovide help and support给客户。


提名2021 3D印刷行业奖现在开放,让您说谁现在领导该行业。




Featured image showscolor engraving on titanium with an endurance laser. Photo via Endurance Lasers.