
耐力开发新的高功率的激光为3D printers and CNCs

Russian-American laser manufacturerEndurance宣布开发两个新的,更强大的二极管单元。为了升级标准CNC机器和3D打印机的能力,FAP800系列是该公司在过去四年中开发的一系列激光器中的最新产品。根据Endurance首席执行官兼联合创始人乔治·福米切夫(George Fomitchev)的说法,“我们看到许多制造商希望Xpand的3D打印机和CNC机器的能力。”

“I was very upset with low-quality products that are on the market, especially on ebay and amazon when sellers bring on the market low-quality products,” adds Formitchev,


To celebrate the development, Endurance is offering a40% discount and free shipment在其激光配件范围内以及任何现有的8.5 / 10 / 10+ / 20瓦激光模块。

An Endurance 10 watt laser and new attachment. Photo via Endurance
An Endurance 10 watt laser and new attachment. Photo via Endurance

Lasers for the maker community


Endurance’s specialty is in solid-state diode lasers, capable of engraving and cutting a variety of materials such as wood, leather and glass. Showcasing the diodes’ capabilities, the company frequently hosts a contest for its users’最好的切割和雕刻项目。最近的竞赛获奖者包括高度详细的《星球大战》阿兹台克日历和以塞尔达传给塞尔达传说的主题时间的时间。


In addition to home projects, Endurance’s laser portfolio has also enabled a number of individuals to set up their own businesses.

Florian Kelsch是Fizzle Grafix, a graphic design and fabrication service based in Ottersberg, Germany. Through Fizzle Grafix, customers can 3D print and now cut and engrave their own design projects. Kelsch started out this side business with relatively low-power 2.5 W laser which, he says, “was okay but it took so long to get something done.” Now Fizzle Grafix is equipped with 10 W Endurance laser, affixes to a 1 x 1 meter ratrig frame. “After a while I did a research for a new diode laser and came to Endurance,” adds Kelsch, “Now I can get my work done in a quarter of the time I’ve needed before.”

In addition to some simple plate engraving projects for customers, Kelsch is also an accomplished maker, and is developing his own remote control crane using laser cut and 3D printed elements. The finished product will be 1 m tall, and Kelsch eventually hopes to be able to sell it as a product for other people to use.

“I think the unique part [Fizzle Grafix] is my passion to make the customer happy, searching for the right material for my customers, and even trying them for free to get the best results.”


Florian Kelsch's homemade crane. Photo via Florian Kelsch
Florian Kelsch’s homemade crane. Photo via Florian Kelsch

New high powered lasers

The current laser offering from Endurance ranges in power from 2.1 W – 10 W + (with 20 W provided by a two 10 W laser configuration). As demonstrated in a number of操作视频通过耐力发布,这些二极管中的每一个都易于安装,对于3D打印机而言,不需要事先拆除挤出机。雕刻和切割也可以通过常见的3D打印切片程序(例如Cura,repetier,slic3r和Simplify3D)来控制。

耐力的新激光器将首次亮相,以“耐力FAP800相干激光附件”,将Nescel 520 nm 10瓦激光器的功率与相干FAP800的激光输出相结合。它是一个高功率的红外激光器,自2018年10月以来一直在耐力中开发。


Pre-orders of this new high powered lasercan now be made via Endurance lasers here. To find the best Endurance laser for your 3D printer联系乔治Formitchev这里。该公司还邀请用户加入其Facebook社区,以获取所有最新信息Endurance updates

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Featured image shows Endurance Lasers 10 Watt attachment. Photo via Endurance

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