

巴西石化公司Braskem已经采用了法语3D软件启动Spare Parts 3D’s(SP3D的)Digipart计划,以帮助优化其库存供应链。

Working with SP3D in a pilot project earlier this year, Braskem utilized its DigiPart software to filter through the value, Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) and lead time data of its spare part inventory. In total, the company was able to assess the necessity of 15,000 components, and identified 47 percent of these as surplus to requirements.

In future, Braskem aims to leverage the technology to manage its supply of emergency parts, and to reduce its expenditure on holding heavy amounts of stock.

“One of the important elements we needed [in the project], was the capacity to have a reliable potential estimate based on a representative subset of our spare parts in a relatively short amount of time,” said Alexandre Pintor da Luz, Project Coordinator at Braskem. “Spare Part 3D’s additive manufacturing know-how, coupled with DigiPart’s efficiency, were key to the success of our project. We are looking forward to scaling the project to the next phase.”



At present, SP3D’s software offering is broken down into three different stages of business development including targeting, deploying and scaling services, as well as those for on-demand manufacturing. DigiPart, meanwhile, is the company’s flagship system, and it’s specifically designed to help 3D printing companies build an end-to-end digital spare parts inventory.

The software is built around a three-phase process, beginning with a scan that identifies and maps out any parts that are 3D printable. In the second stage, the system recommends the optimal materials and technologies to create the components with, and in the final step, the part is printed out as planned.



Braskem 3D printed a number of concrete components as part of a pilot program in Brazil earlier this year. Photo via SP3D.
Braskem 3D printed a number of concrete components as part of a pilot program in Brazil earlier this year. Photo via SP3D.


Despite the fact that Braskem is reportedly the largest producer of thermoplastics in the Americas, it has turned to another company, SP3D, to optimize its spare part supply chain. The chemical firm identified an opportunity within its American and European businesses earlier this year, to cut down its expenditure related to the storage of heavy industrial parts, and chose to partner with SP3D as a result.




作为该软件功能的最终演示,Braskem在巴西打印了一些具体的零件示例,这证明了可以实现的总体优化水平。SP3D首席运营官Julien Bofill赞扬了这两个团队对该计划的表现的贡献,并强调了企业资源计划(ERP)对供应链成功的重要性。

“巴西的成功项目也是再保险sult of having the right people included from the start,” explained Bofill. “It was necessary to have everyone’s perspective from warehouse, procurement and engineering to get some of the intangible data that you cannot get from the ERP. That intangible data is also fundamental to obtain buy-in of key people on such disruptive projects”.

Digital inventories and spare parts


德国铁路公司德意志·巴恩(Deutsche Bahn)(DB)拥有3D打印中最高的数字库存之一,现在已经同意与软件开发人员合作3年建造一个‘digital warehouse’ of parts。使用3 YourMind的AMPI软件,DB能够实现大量节省并减少车辆的停机时间。

别处,The Indian Navy与印度3D打印服务局合作think3D按需制造备件用于在离岸和离岸培训练习中。海军使用该服务通过生产备件来克服其旧进口机械的局限性。


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特色图像是Braskem 3D打印为巴西试点计划的一部分的混凝土组件之一。通过SP3D的照片。

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