
宝马I Ventures投资于“突破”凝胶3D打印开发人员Rapid Liquid Print

汽车制造商宝马strategic investment arm宝马我冒险为弹性体3D打印初创公司提供了种子资金快速液体印刷(RLP)。

专门从麻省理工学院的自组装实验室, the firm’s gel-dispensing technology is said to enable the production of soft, pliable products using industry-standard materials like foams, rubbers and silicones. Also backed byMassMutual通过其MM Catalyst基金(MMCF),RLP的资金回合现在预计将允许其产品组合的扩展和更广泛的营销。

BMW I Ventures首席执行官Marcus Behrendt表示:“ RLP的突破性技术正在通过实现任何规模和复杂性的弹性结构的快速打印来破坏3D打印空间。”“借助宝马I Ventures的支持,RLP团队可以继续展示其致力于创建高质量,低成本弹性体产品的承诺。”



在迈阿密设计上首次亮相as long ago as 2017, RLP is essentially a printing process in which a liquid object can be ‘drawn’ within a gel suspension. Given that such prints are cured during production, they don’t require the use of supports and need minimal post-processing before use, while the technology’s scalability is said to allow for the creation of large-format parts at extremely high throughputs.

According to the RLP, its approach is superior to conventional elastomeric 3D printing technologies, as it’s not restricted by the speed, build volume or material deficiencies that make them “unreliable as mainstream manufacturing processes,” thus the firm sees it as a “game-changer” when it comes to rapidly printing “airtight, high-quality products.”


RLP首席执行官Schendy Kernizan说:“我们已经花了多年的时间来完善我们的技术,并建立了解决3D印刷行业所面临的痛苦点的产品。”“通过宝马I Ventures和MM Catalyst基金的这一资金,我们将加速我们为更广阔市场提供各种解决方案的能力。”

“RLP removes limits on design, can print large-scale and multiple objects at once, and is faster than any other solution currently on the market.”

从左到右的RLP团队,Skylar Tibbits,Schendy Kernizan,BjørnSparrman和Jared Laucks。
RLP的发明者和公司创始人从左到右:Skylar Tibbits,Schendy Kernizan,BjørnSparrman和Jared Laucks。通过宝马I冒险的图像。


尽管尚未公开投资快速液体印刷的资金数量,但Mass Mutual表示,其5000万美元的CCMF基金将用于使投资2.5万美元至200万美元,因此其贡献不太可能超过此价值。

同样,宝马I Ventures也没有透露其投资的价值,但是该公司确实宣布了今年早些时候创建了一个新的3亿美元锅,并且在支持3D Printing的创新者方面拥有悠久的历史。例如,早在2017年,风险资本家就为桌面金属,此后一直从事的业务进行25亿美元的合并and购买最大的竞争对手Exone

当涉及到RLP的支持时,宝马I Ventures表示,凝胶分解技术的潜力印象深刻,以取代“大量生产相同零件”中的注射成型。实际上,使用快速的液体打印,该公司预计可以将复杂模具的交货时间从8周减少到几分钟,同时提升模具的“设计限制”。

宝马我冒险also believes that RLP’s technology enables the production of parts that currently need to be built from interlocking pieces in a single run, dramatically reducing the costs of setting up a mold. As a result, the firm sees its investment as a way of “disrupting elastomeric 3D printing” and “breaking the limits of innovation” within the industry.

“MMCF快速吸引液体打印独特的侦探hnology, highly adaptable production process and impressive leadership team,” said Liz Roberts, Head of Impact Investing at MassMutual. “We’re excited to support RLP alongside BMW i Ventures as RLP revolutionizes the 3D printing process and continues to grow and bring its innovative capabilities to new customers.”



由于他们独特的力量婚姻和休息时的高伸长率,弹性体继续代表了3D印刷稳健饱满的零件的有前途的途径。就在上个月,材料开发人员色3D材料raised more than $5 milliontowards the development of a novel industrial-grade elastomer-based manufacturing technology.


Elsewhere, in more experimental research, a team at the加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉已经形成了人类组织状3D printable ‘bottlebrush’ elastomer。Having created a super-soft material with shape-holding properties for another project, the researchers found that they could 3D print it into inks, before returning the elastomer to its solid form via the application of UV light.



