
Taking 3D printing onto the first privately owned space station

公理空间, developers of the ‘world’s first private commercial space station‘, have entered into an agreement with out of this world 3D printers, Made In Space. The agreement covers manufacturing in low earth orbit.

在太空中制造的世界上第一个(或可能是空间的第一个)重力违背3D打印机. While Axiom Space “打算建立ISS的国际私有继任者。”这项合作将带来太空的增材制造专业知识,并协助创建新空间站。该合作伙伴关系还将有助于制定太空计划在太空中制造光纤的计划。

最近,增材制造业为另一家私人太空公司Rocket Crafters提供了能力create 3D printed rocket fuelfor their planned low-orbit missions.

Graphic showing Axiom Space’s time-scale plans. Image via Axiom Space.

The full details of Axiom’s plans with Made In Space’s 3D printing capabilities is unclear. However, this agreement is interesting as it allows Made in Space to further utilize the additive technology they have harnessed. The first task for Made In Space will involve the use of空间中创建的光纤,哪个公理有兴趣将其合并到其公理模块中。在重力存在的情况下,这些光纤很难在地球上生产,似乎这种伙伴关系将促进互惠互利的过程。据报道,两家公司正在共同努力在太空制造的物流和电缆交付的物流上返回地球。


公理are vocal about their plans to create the first private commercial space station. They will send a module to the ISS which can be used as a starting point for creating their own private space station. Through this partnership, Axiom will be able to manufacture objects in space rather than having them shipped from Earth. The precise nature of these objects is unknown and Axiom Space had not responded to a request for further information at the time of writing. 3D Printing Industry will bring you more information as we have it.


Axiom Space的总裁兼首席执行官Michael Suffredini是前ISS计划经理的空间站。他谈到了该协议,并解释了吸引公司的独特机会,

This partnership marks an important next step in humanity’s reach into space. In-space manufacturing provides a unique class of products beneficial to the communications, materials and biomedical industries on Earth. Made In Space is an exemplary company to collaborate with to meet the demand for in-space manufacturing, and we are thrilled to build a partnership with the individuals who have proven their abilities in zero-g flights and on ISS.

While Andrew Rush, CEO of Made In Space, described how the agreement will enable them to grow as a company, allowing them to “continue to evolve and develop new products“. Referring to Axiom as being “制造新技术并利用我们的新功能的理想合作伙伴。”


Featured image shows the Axiom module connected to the International Space Station (ISS). Image via Axiom Space.