
protolabsexpands 3D printing services with polypropylene SLS

按需数字制造提供商protolabs已经为其欧洲客户推出了新的聚丙烯(PP)3D打印服务。一家公司首先是总部位于特尔福德的北欧Protolabs分支机构,在SLS 3D打印材料的开发方面进行了大量投资。“直到最近,您只能使用模仿这种塑料的3D打印的聚丙烯样材料,但它们没有所有相同的特性,并且不那么耐用,” Protolabs的3D打印产品经理Andrea Landoni解释说。

With the launch of the new service the company aims to provide design engineers with the ability to develop and test prototypes using the same material as used for production. SLS technology will also enable the creation of complex designs that can’t be achieved with traditional manufacturing technologies.






The material has a semi-crystalline molecular structure, which prevents it from softening until a given quantity of heat is fully absorbed. PP is therefore highly resistant to heat, despite having a low melting temperature. It is also highly flexible, with a tensile strength of 1.9 GPa, and offers resistance against electricity and a number of chemicals, including dilute acids, dilute alkalis, and alcohols.

These combined properties make the material suitable for a number of applications, like packaging, living hinges, and electrical insulators, hence its common usage. Typically, PP当注入成型产品时使用。但是,该材料已被其他3D打印机制造商(如德国的)拾取Apium添加剂技术和法国工业3D打印机提供商Prodways

When processed through 3D printing, PP applications opens up to host of designs with complex geometries that can’t be achieved with injection molding. This includes the design and production of honeycomb structures to reduce weight or organic shapes such as internal channels.

protolabsoffersCNC machining and injection molding services用于使用PP以及新的3D打印服务制造零件。因此,剩余的技术不可知论,因此该公司将能够为其制造技术适合其应用的客户提供建议。兰多尼继续说:“在您想使用聚丙烯之前,如果您可以通过可用的制造技术来设计的东西,” Landoni继续说道,“现在唯一的限制就是您的想象力”



随着新的SLS PP服务的推出,Protolabs继续扩展其点击3D打印功能。最近,该公司宣布增加’s数字光合成(DLS)到其投资组合。这包括使用碳的RPU和FPU材料,与ABS和聚碳酸酯相当。

Shifting out of prototyping to meet the requirements of more customers seeking end-use 3D printed parts, the company also launched itshigh requirements direct metal laser sintering service今年6月。Protolabs首席执行官进一步讨论了此举Vicki Holtin for 3D Printing Industry exclusive interview.

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Featured image shows 3D printed polypropylene housing with living hinge. Photo via Protolabs.