
High isotropy achieved by novel printable polyimide created by industrial 3D printers manufacturers’ trio

A group of industrial 3D printing firmsZymergen,Hexagon,3D4MAKERS, 和AON3D已经对新的3D打印聚合物Z2聚酰亚胺进行了实验。

小说,易于3d的聚酰亚胺的配方在实验中提供了令人印象深刻的发现。荷兰皇家海军‘s Expertise Centre Additive Manufacturing (ECAM): a high-strength, highly isotropic AM polymer part that, despite its minimal cross-section (2 cm wide), survived 432 kg of load before failure. Hexagon’s Digimat AM software was used to perform predictive modeling and simulation on a tie-down bracket for military cargo planes, a tool that assists engineers decrease overall lead times and simulate end-part performance. The part was then mechanically tested after being 3D printed in Z2 Polyimide with 100% infill on theAON M2+高温工业3D打印机。

Linear Test Orientation performed by the companies. Image via AON3D.
Linear Test Orientation performed by the companies. Image via AON3D.

What insights did the experiment provide?

Z2聚酰亚胺部分印刷在AON M2+上,精确地破裂Digimat AM软件预期的是,裂缝是在各个层中传播的,而不仅仅是一层。尽管Z2聚酰亚胺具有与ULTEM™9085相似的拉伸模量,但在断裂性能时具有高强度和伸长率。这意味着Z2具有比ULTEM™明显更高的层间焊缝强度和部分各向同性。在测试过程中,一个零件在两个位置通过多层折断,这意味着这些层是按照整体结构而不是层间焊缝遵循应力前线的。

Z2 Polyimide具有提高的强度和各向同性,以及满足UL94 V0和FAR 25.853(FST)要求(FST)要求(FST)要求的可能性,Z2 Polyimide有可能成为ULTEM™替代方案。

Subsequently, the results of this experiment show that material breakthroughs as well as open material industrial 3D printers capable of printing them are rapidly advancing the 3D printing industry, while closed systems lag years behind, says AON3D.


High-performance engineering polymers

A3 dpi的审查states that the market for polymer 3D printing is expanding rapidly, with findings that polymer powder consumption increased by 43.3% in 2021, surpassing photopolymer resins as the most commonly used 3D printing material.HSS是一种基于粉末的3D打印过程,类似于粘合剂喷射that was developed in the early 2000s by Neil Hopkinson at the拉夫堡大学and Sylvia Monsheimer atEvonik。它以快速打印速度和大型生产功能而闻名。

自2016年获得该技术的商业化许可以来voxeljetdeveloped its own version of HSS and launched its first HSS 3D printer in 2017. Since then, the company has expanded its product line with several HSS-powered 3D printers, including theVX200 HSSandVX1000 HSS。Similarly, under the binder jet banner, MJF is a sibling.生命值provides engineering-grade polymer parts for functional prototyping as well as end-use production, with applications in industries such as automotive.

Previously, Roboze, an industrial 3D printer manufacturer, announced the release of two 3D printers along with两个印刷丝。这部新的Pro系列取代了较旧的Roboze One产品线,其中包括One PROandPlus PROmachines, both of which use Roboze’s trademark high-temperature FFF technology. These updates are primarily intended for functional prototyping and tooling applications utilizing high-performance polymer and composite materials. In addition to the systems, the company expanded its filament portfolio with the introduction of Roboze PEKK and Roboze ToolingX CF.

Elsewhere,Solvay比利时化学公司,宣布增加了两个high-performance 3D printing polymersE-Xstream Engineering的Digimat-AM材料模拟平台。碳纤维增强的窥视和高脚性PPSU是新颖的添加。Solvay希望通过Digimat-AM提供这些材料的潜力并提高其市场地位。

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Feature image shows Linear Test Orientation performed by the companies. Image via AON3D.