
3D打印块上的最新孩子 - 真是桃子!

虽然桃红色的打印机不在最终产品阶段,而团队当前的Kickstarter运动负责任地自我描述,因为需要工作以发挥其全部潜力;可以在低至100美元的价格中购买的3D打印机是一个了不起的突破!创新是这里的关键 - 一款光刻3D打印机,进一步扩展了家庭用户 / prosumer的价格范围和多样性的分层。

What does the team behind the world’s cheapest (we’ll come back to this claim, which is a matter of perspective, but not a false claim from one perspective) 3D printer say about their aims?

“The first goal of this project is simple, but bold…


With a Peachy Printer (scanner) on your desk, you can choose to make it. This is the world’s most affordable 3D printer!

And our second goal…


– Using Freedom Respecting and Open Source software and hardware. We will NEVER close our source! We will never betray our community!

- 关于3D印刷技术的政治和道德后果的直言不讳和信息。

- 在使用我们的产品并提供适当的安全设备时,通知客户安全实践。”

To the newcomer: it should be pointed out that this is far from the first time that these aims/claims have been stated in a new 3D printer crowdfunding project. This is, like most of those other projects, an excellent attempt at fulfilling that proforma. These are the niches that need to be fulfilled; this is the brief that will, currently, most likely open up the market, insomuch as the technical specifications can do as such.

To the start-up: market penetration is going to be as much about mass media attention, strategic analysis and corporate investment as well as well-known brands showing willing to sell in their stores, than the technology itself.

MakerBot’s success is less to do with MakerBot being the best performing 3D printer – although the company has accomplished amazing things – and much more about marketing strategies, mass media utilising a single brand as an example of a technology (to aid public awareness by simplifying the extent of information communicated for what is, to most, understandably, still a mind-bending technology), government and military strategies (DARPA et al), and economic nationalistic concerns (Made in USA, etc).

A full awareness of the social and societal dynamic for the market place is key to the success of a new (and serious) 3D printer company in this now massively saturated market.

对习惯:桃子光刻打印机,光束的光束将光敏的树脂固化成硬对象。激光束沿X和Y轴移动以创建对象的形式,同时使用滴水系统来控制高度Z轴上树脂的水平。3D模型是在Blender中创建的(我必须添加的最简单的CAD程序,但不是最困难的 - 在此处编程的功能)。他们的搅拌机附加组件将3D模型转换为音频波形。音频文件通过计算机中的耳机插孔播放,以驱动一对电磁镜,以反射和控制激光束的路径。体积越高,电压越高,镜子移动的越多。简而言之,激光束在X和Y轴中绘制对象的形状。对于Z,顶部容器中的盐水降至滴水液,由阀门控制的滴水速率。当每个滴水离开饲料时,它通过两个接触点,形成了迈克·杰克(Mike Jack)检测到的电连接。



A bit about the team behind the project:

Rylan Grayston - 所有者,发明家,软件开发人员 - 是居住在SK Yorkton的28岁企业家。他一生都非常有创造力和创造力。他形容自己是一个深入的思想家,他喜欢与技术和新发现能力有关的道德规范保持最新状态。我当然可以自己同情,我敢肯定,许多制造商也这样做。您可以在这里找到他最近的一些工作,这里.

David Boe - 所有者,投资者,业务经理 - 是一名38岁的认证重型机械师,目前由艾伯塔省麦克默里堡的Edmonton Kenworth雇用。戴夫(Dave)和里兰(Rylan)在2012年中期相识,并立即将其击倒。他们对彼此的想法非常感兴趣,不久之后他们一起开展业务。在过去的一年中,他们一直在合作,将桃红色的打印机带到今天的位置。

The rest of the team include: Nathan Grayston – Advertising & Marketing; Josh Ellis – Owner and inventor of MakerJuice; Scott Walde – Circuit Designer; Gage Bush – 3D Modelling and Animation; James Cooper – Senior Software Designer; Kurtis Wanner – President and CEO of FingerTech Robotics LTD.

The campaign is only a few days in onKickstarter- 但是男孩确实想要进来!在写作时有1300多名支持者,该活动已承诺超过175,000美元。超过了5万美元的目标。