
Bigrep,Sintavia,Velo3D,MTC,Boom Supersonic等新的3D打印工作,约会和设施


如果您正在寻找行业中的新职位,我们会保持我们的3D打印工作板updated with the latest positions. You can easily apply to any of the posted jobs aftercreating a free profile。如果您正要进入该行业,我们将提供指南how to get a job in the 3D printing industry

这3D Printing Industry jobs board is also free to use for employers to find3D打印专家for their businesses.

继续阅读Bigrep,Sintavia,Velo3D,Manufacturing技术中心(MTC),Essentium,Boom Supersonic,Black Buffalo 3D等的最新职业发展和设施开放。

BigRep Pro 3D打印机。通过Bigrep的照片。
BigRep Pro 3D打印机。通过Bigrep的照片。

3D Print and Service Specialist at BigRep America


Alongside directly communicating with clients, the successful candidate will be responsible for operating BigRep’s 3D printers and print samples, evaluating and inspecting incoming CAD files, processing 3DPartLab jobs, and editing and optimizing 3D models.

Those interested in applying for the role of3D Print and Service Specialist at BigRep America可以在这里找到更多。

David Grailey被任命为AMTC的董事总经理。通过MTC的照片。
David Grailey被任命为AMTC的董事总经理。通过MTC的照片。

AMTC appoints new MD

Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre基于MTC已任命新的董事总经理,以协助其使命,以缩小目前威胁英国制造业的技能差距。

戴维·格里(David Grailey)因在英国教育和技能领域的30年经验而被选为该职位,此前曾领导过两家商业上成功的资格企业。Grailey担任首席执行官NCFE这是英国最大的职业,技术和学历授予机构之一,与其他几项教育和技能任命一起。

“I am delighted to be joining the AMTC team and the wider MTC team,” he said. “I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues to build on their success and reputation and find new and innovative ways of reaching greater heights.


Two of Sintavia’s M400 printers at its Hollywood, FL, advanced manufacturing facility. Photo via Business Wire.
Two of Sintavia’s M400 printers at its Hollywood, FL, advanced manufacturing facility. Photo via Business Wire.


同时,Sintavia, an additive manufacturing service provider for the aerospace sector, has formed an advisory made up of leaders from within the aerospace, defense, space, and 3D printing industries. The board will meet throughout the year to assist the firm’s leadership team in establishing company goals and growth strategies.

顾问委员会由电子OEM的代理负责人奥马尔·费尔加尼(Omar Fergani)博士组成Atotech的Industrial Digital Solutions division, alongside current Chief Operating Officer of Propulsion system manufacturerAerojet Rocketdyne,艾米·高德(Amy Gowder)和全球技术公司北美大众运输负责人Teri Hamlin西门子。Also joining the board is industry veteran John Hartner, CEO of binder jet 3D printer manufacturerExone,以及太空技术公司的创始人兼首席执行官Jeff Thornburg星际技术

“In many ways, Sintavia has always taken the lead in applying additive technologies across the aerospace, defense and space industry, particularly with respect to complex mechanical systems,” said Brian Neff, Founder and CEO of Sintavia.


velo3d's new European Technology Center in Augsburg, Germany. Photo via Velo3D.
velo3d’s new European Technology Center in Augsburg, Germany. Photo via Velo3D.


在其他地方,金属3D打印机制造商velo3d已聘请詹姆斯·西赫(James Shih)担任供应链管理副总裁。Shih将主要负责为公司的Sapphire 3D打印系统建造强大的供应链,同时还确保整个公司的制造和分销设施中的健康库存。


Velo3D首席执行官Benny Buller表示:“公司正在继续重新考虑如何建立供应链生态系统,以确保他们有应急计划通过多个受信任的供应商确保必要的材料。”“我们很幸运能够让詹姆斯加入我们的电子,技术和能源领域的20年经验,以及与世界各地供应商合作的历史。


Essentium的HSE 180-S 3D打印机。通过Essentium的照片。
Essentium的HSE 180-S 3D打印机。通过Essentium的照片。


更令人沮丧的是,工业3D打印机制造商的员工已经出现了一些社交媒体帖子Essentiumreferencing a “widespread layoff” recently undertaken by the company. Despite the firm looking to complete its SPAC merger with大西洋沿海收购在纳斯达克公开by the end of Q1 2022 in a $974 million deal, the firm appears to have laid off numerous staff last week.

Essentium尚未对裁员或其背后的原因发表评论,因此尚不清楚公司中有多少人失业。在LinkedIn帖子中, a former employee said he is now taking time to “digest the lessons of this failure” and that his “heart goes out to all the employees who lost their job” as a result of the layoff.

Boom Supersonic和Black Buffalo 3D的新设施


该设施预计到2030年将为北卡罗来纳州带来1,750多个工作岗位,到2032年将扩大到2,400个工作岗位,根据Boom Supersonic的说法,预计在未来二十年中,该州的经济预计将使该州的经济增长约320亿美元。生产将于2024年在该设施开始,预计将在2025年推出第一家Overture Airline航空公司,并于2026年飞行,并在2029年之前携带其第一批乘客。


这company is planning to construct a 150,000 square foot facility to manufacture its construction 3D printers alongside a 3D printing training facility, and has committed to investing more than $35.7 million into the project and creating the new jobs within three years.

Boom Supersonic的序曲超音速飞机的渲染。通过繁荣的超音速图像。
Boom Supersonic的序曲超音速飞机的渲染。通过繁荣的超音速图像。



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