
New 3D printing jobs at Sintratec, Hires at Roboze, Equispheres and CeramTec, New facilities at Velo3D and more


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The 3D Printing Industry jobs board is also free to use for employers to find3D打印专家for their businesses.


Sintratec S2系统。通过Sintratec的照片
Sintratec S2系统。通过Sintratec的照片。


SLS 3D打印机制造商Sintratec正在寻找一名全职软件开发人员加入其在瑞士布鲁格的研发团队。成功的候选人将负责为公司的3D打印机,用于3D打印准备的桌面软件以及Cloud和CI/CD基础架构开发和维护代码。


Those interested in the position ofSintratec的3D打印的软件开发人员can find further information on the role here.

Horst Garbrecht被任命为Ceramtec总统工业。通过Ceramtec摄影。
Horst Garbrecht被任命为Ceramtec总统工业。通过Ceramtec摄影。


Ceramics manufacturer and supplierceramtec鉴于工业总统理查德·鲍尔特(Richard Boulter)决定离开公司的决定,本周宣布了管理层的变化。霍斯特·加布雷希特(Horst Garbrecht)是总统工业角色的位置metabo

“I am sorry to see Richard Boulter go and thank him for his excellent work,” said Dr. Hadi Saleh, CEO of CeramTec. “Over the past three years, he has materially contributed to the development of the Industrial Division and its value to the future of CeramTec. Horst Garbrecht has impressively demonstrated in the past that, with his technical know-how, clear strategy and entrepreneurial far-sightedness, he can help a company advance significantly.


Alfredo Altavilla将加入Roboze的顾问委员会。通过Roboze照片。
Alfredo Altavilla将加入Roboze的顾问委员会。通过Roboze照片。

同时,高温工业级3D打印机制造商机器人已经收到了几位著名工业领导者的投资。Alfredo Altavilla,执行总裁ITA航空公司和前首席执行官伊维科, FPT and豆腐除了前首席执行官Boris Collardi朱利叶斯·贝尔集团(Julius Baer Group)和执行合伙人Pictet,将与他们的投资一起加入Roboze的顾问委员会。

该公司还获得了Avio Aero Aero Sandro De Poli董事会主席,微处理器Federico Faggin的共同发明家和Silicon Valley Venture资本家Alain Harrus的投资。

“This is a moment that in Roboze we will remember for a long time,” said Alessio Lorusso, Roboze Founder and CEO. “Having the support of people like alfredo Altavilla and Boris Collardi makes us understand that we have done something significant, but above all, it tells us that we are on the right path to do something that leaves a mark. As an entrepreneur, my role is to bring together the best possible team of investors, advisors, partners, and talents, creating a cutting-edge technology and a winning go to market strategy with fast and flawless execution.


Boris Collardi将加入Roboze的顾问委员会。通过Roboze照片。
Boris Collardi将加入Roboze的顾问委员会。通过Roboze照片。

在其他地方,加拿大添加剂制造粉生产商equispheres聘请了卡尔文·奥斯本(Calvin Osborne)担任首席运营官的角色,后者将负责协助公司金属粉末技术的扩展和全面商业化。


Equispheres首席执行官Kevin Nicholds说:“我们正在进入一个令人兴奋的增长阶段,反映了市场需求与我们的业务规模计划一致。”“随着我们的产出增加以满足全球需求,加尔文是管理这一过程的合适人选。”

加尔文·奥斯本(Calvin Osborne)被任命为赤道的首席运营官。通过Equispheres照片。
加尔文·奥斯本(Calvin Osborne)被任命为赤道的首席运营官。通过Equispheres照片。


Metal 3D printer manufacturervelo3dhas opened its new technology center in Augsburg, Germany, where it will assemble and demonstrate its Sapphire 3D printing systems. The facility will also be used to deliver the company’s first end-to-end manufacturing offering toSchoeller-Bleckmann油田(SBO)技术, a European contract manufacturer specializing in the production of high-value metal parts for the oil and gas sector.


Velo3D首席执行官兼创始人Benny Buller说:“在我们的奥格斯堡工厂,我们将能够亲自向客户展示我们令人印象深刻的增材制造技术。”“我们也很高兴能与我们的第一位客户SBO在欧洲推出,以支持其使用我们的蓝宝石系统扩大其能力和服务新行业的努力。”

velo3d's new European Technology Center in Augsburg, Germany. Photo via Velo3D.
velo3d’s new European Technology Center in Augsburg, Germany. Photo via Velo3D.



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