
NASA和Virgin Orbit 3D印刷多功能室火箭发动机

NASAand satellite launch company处女轨道have produced a working 3D printed combustion chamber for a rocket engine. Made using copper, the component is the product of a partnership between the two organisations which seeks to advance adoption of 3D printing across the commercial space sector and reduce the cost of future NASA missions.

Virgin Orbit成立于2017年,在过去的两年中一直与NASA燃烧和添加剂制造专家合作,在阿拉巴马州的马歇尔太空飞行中心(MSFC)以及克利夫兰和加利福尼亚的其他中心。

As part of a continuing development process, the latest 3D printed combustion chamber successfully completed a test-firing at MSFC, delivering up to 2,000 pounds of thrust.


Combustion chambers are a crucial component of all rocket engines. Here the propellants mix and ignite, generating extremely high pressure temperatures up to 5,000°F(2760°C)。


NASA高级工程师和Virgin Orbit项目负责人Paul Gradl表示:“传统上,制造,测试和交付常规燃烧室需要数月的时间。我们可以大大减少这段时间。”

“添加剂制造能够增强和增强传统流程。它提供了新的设计和性能机会,并产生了高度耐用的硬件 - 通过这种伙伴关系,我们正在进一步提高能力。”


Nevertheless,几家航空航天公司已经成功地使用基于铜的合金生产零件。p对抗太空探索公司Aerojet Rocketdynerevealed its copper-based, SLM manufactured,RL-10火箭推室在2017年。发射器,一家航空航天启动,成功测试了EOS 3D打印铜火箭引擎2018年。NASA在材料3D打印方面也取得了一些成功the first full-scale copper rocket engine2015年。


为了创建多金属燃烧室,维珍轨道工程师使用了久经考验的NASA添加剂合金GRCOP-84,该合金于2014年开发,该合金在室内的内部。然后,该材料由Virgin Orbit的混合添加剂/减法机印刷,该机施加了第二个双金属超合金夹克,然后将零件加工成正确的尺寸。

Earlier this year, researchers from NASA announced the development ofGRCOP-84的最终更换,GRCOP-42。高强度,高电导率的基于铜合金是由NASA MSFC和俄亥俄州NASA Glenn Research Center(GRC)的团队创建的。希望GRCOP-42在匹配GRCOP-84强度的同时具有较高的导热率。

A section of a combustion chamber built with GRCo-84. Photo via NASA
A section of a combustion chamber built with GRCo-84. Photo via NASA

The benefit of developing multimetallic parts is that you can take advantage of the individual mental’s distinct properties (such as strength or thermal conductivity) to create a more robust, higher performing end product.

Commenting on the incorporation of different metals, Kevin Zagorski, Propulsion Advanced Manufacturing manager at Virgin Orbit said, “The combination of multiple optimized materials and additive manufacturing technologies we’ve employed represents a significant advancement from the compromises typically made in the production of 3D printed rocket engine combustion chambers.”

他补充说:“从与美国宇航局合作中获得的信息将是应用这些技术以进一步改善Virgin Orbit推进到发射奈龙的推进系统的关键。”

The combustion chamber was tested in late 2018/early 2019, using high-pressure liquid oxygen/kerosene propellants, which generated more than 2,000 pounds of thrust in a series of 60-second test fires.

A 3D-printed rocket engine combustion chamber awaiting hot-fire testing at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Photo via NASA.



今年4月,美国宇航局授予一份520万美元的合同到国家添加剂制造卓越中心(NCAME)奥本大学, to help improve the performance of its liquid rocket engines, like the RS-25 Space Shuttle main engine (SSME). The same month it also revealed that it was using 3D printing to help将其新的深空火箭的脆弱部分隔离这将使宇航员于2024年到达月球。West Virginia University(WVU)在2017年探索使用3D印刷二氧化钛泡沫在国际空间站(ISS)上。

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特色图片显示,在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的NASA的马歇尔太空飞行中心(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)进行了测试。通过NASA照片。