
Mcor looking expand 3D printer production and create 100 new jobs in Ireland



根据MacCormack的说法,与独立IE交谈,500万欧元的投资可能来自美国或欧洲的风险投资或战略投资者。MCOR CMO DEIRDRE MACCORMACK还支持该声明,并补充说:

迄今为止,MCOR已筹集了1600万欧元 - 目前的一轮将通过与Flex的合作伙伴关系来扩大与Arke的大量制造。

地理浮雕图3D印在MCOR 3D打印机上。
地理浮雕图3D印在MCOR 3D打印机上。


Mcor are the only company in the world to use the selective deposition lamination (SDL) method of 3D printing. SDL uses paper as feedstock. This means that Mcor’s 3D printers can use readily developed printer inks to create objects in full CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and key) spectrum color.

MCOR首席执行官和联合创始人Conor MacCormack本人最好地描述该过程




A Nike Sneaker prototype made on Mcor 3D printers. Photo via: Mcor
A Nike Sneaker prototype made on Mcor 3D printers. Photo via: Mcor

The company handed manufacturing of its ARKe 3D printer over to American multinational tech company Flex (NASDAQ:FLEX) in June 2016 to redirect focus onto the innovation side of the business.

来自3D印刷行业对MCOR首席执行官的采访,Conor MacCormack对公司的能力有了一个想法,并暗示了这一扩展:

With the Iris we were producing 100s per year, with the Arke we’re now pushing into the 1000s, so it’s been a big deviation for us. The manufacturing of the printer has been moved over to Flex, formerly Flextronics, a $24billion company, and they’ve [taken] a real strategic interest which has been an affirmation for us. Funding wise, we’re not looking at the moment, but it is something we could be looking at when going into the new year.


CMO Deirdre MacCormack confirms to 3D Printing Industry thatNASA的喷气推进实验室(JPL)鉴于公司的工作3D印刷块岛(NASA Exploration Rover)在火星上发现的陨石。


For a closer look at Mcor 3D printers, the company will be present at some of the industry’s biggest trade shows throughout 2017,包括快速并内部3D印刷纽约。3D印刷行业当然希望能够尽快仔细研究一下Arke。

Nominations for best 3D printers in the annual 3D Printing Industry Awards are now open.

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特色图片显示MCOR 3D打印假肢。本文中的所有照片,包括特色图像,均由McOr CMO Deirdre MacCormack提供。

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