
台式金属推出负担得起的新Exone S-Max Flex 3D打印机:技术规格和价格


使用桌面金属及其子公司的组合技术和专业知识建造Exone, 这S-Max Flex专门设计的旨在为铸造厂提供强大的低成本手段,用于为金属铸造应用创建沙子工具。

As ExOne’s most affordable unit to-date, the Flex effectively makes S-Max technology available to a wider base, and in doing so, allows more users to rapidly cast complex metal parts for clients, including those operating in the aerospace, automotive and energy sectors, amongst others.

“We designed the all-new S-Max Flex from the ground up leveraging Single Pass Jetting (SPJ) technology with the idea of making premium sand 3D printing accessible to every foundry, so that more companies can take advantage of the benefits of AM 2.0, such as distributed, local production, and remain competitive for the long-term,” said Ric Fulop, Co-Founder and CEO of Desktop Metal.

“To achieve our vision of Additive Manufacturing 2.0, we need to make production 3D printing practical in terms of speed, cost, and material availability for a broad range of applications.”



台式金属的当前3D打印机投资组合包括Shop Systemand生产系统,它继续扩展其物质兼容性,以发展其可访问市场的一种手段。就在去年,该公司成为first to qualify 4140 low-alloy steel适用于粘合剂喷气机,在推出A后不久可持续木材3D打印技术通过它的福特子公司。


购买了Exone,桌面金属现在不仅拥有carried out some rebranding,将InnoventX,X25Pro和X160Pro添加到其'X系列”,但现在已经将公司的联合专业知识倾注到了新的低成本数字铸造解决方案的设计中。

桌面金属的新Exone S-Max Flex 3D打印机。通过桌面金属照片。
桌面金属的新Exone S-Max Flex 3D打印机。通过桌面金属照片。

引入S-Max Flex

According to Desktop Metal, foundries are enjoying a period of strong demand for castings, but they’re struggling when it comes to finding labor. Citing美国铸造协会提供的数据该公司说,因此,有90%的经过调查的铸造厂通过在明年进行资本投资来寻求利用这一趋势。

这是S-Max Flex的由来,因为packing SPJ technology into a more affordable architecture, it’s designed to offer a new value proposition to foundries seeking to expand their capabilities. Through teaming an industrial robot with an all-new end effector, the system is able to selectively deposit binder into a 1900 x 1000 x 1000 mm telescoping build box, at a rate of up to 115 liters per hour.

结果,就像更优质的S-Max和S-Max Pro模型一样,Flex为用户提供了可靠地销售零件的机会,同时获得了快速的投资回报。除了高1000 x 2500 x 2400毫米型号外,构建盒本身还提供最高4700 x 1000 x 1000毫米的较大量,使铸造厂能够采用量身定制的机器,该机器量身定制以满足其特定需求。

Application-wise, given the system’s large size and ability to jet a variety of powders into parts with a dimensional accuracy of +/- 0.5 mm, Desktop Metal says it could soon address “industries beyond metalcasting.” For now, early adopters of the Flex include Founders Service & Manufacturing Co. and HTCI Co, while Desktop Metal’s Forust brand is also set to use it to print large, cost-effective wooden parts.

通过EXONE S-MAX FLEX 3D打印机生产的一组样品零件。通过桌面金属照片。
通过EXONE S-MAX FLEX 3D打印机生产的一组样品零件。通过桌面金属照片。


以下是EXONE S-MAX FLEX 3D打印机的技术规格。该系统将在CastExpo 20224月23日至26日在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的金属铸造贸易展览会。同时,有兴趣获取系统的人可以联系桌面金属以获取报价

粘合剂系统 Furan
Job Box 1,900 x 1,000 x 1,000毫米
构建音量 1,900L
建立速率 最多115 L/H
Layer Height 0.28至0.5毫米
维度精度 +/- 0.5 mm
排气 26 m³/h
External Dimensions 8.5 x 4.9 x 4.9 m
重量 5,900公斤




特色图像显示桌面金属的新Exone S-Max Flex 3D打印机。通过桌面金属照片。