

Industrial 3D printer manufacturerDesktop Metalhas announced the acquisition of hydraulic and fluid power system developerAidro


“我们很高兴与台式金属联合起来,” Aidro业务发展副总裁托马索·蒂雷利(Tommaso Tirelli)解释说。“这种合作伙伴关系将使我们能够继续投资于扩大下一代液压解决方案的增材制造,这些解决方案破坏了石油,天然气和航空航天等大规模行业。”

Metal 3D printing on an EOS M290. Photo via Aidro.
Aidro has now been 3D printing hydraulic-related parts for at least four years. Photo via Aidro.

Adopting ‘Aidrolic’ 3D printing

Since it was founded in Northern Italy back in 1982, Aidro has established itself as a manufacturer of the hydraulic components used within the high-tech industrial, energy and aerospace sectors. Until just four years ago, the company’s production process revolved around ordinary industry-standard techniques, but in 2017 it changed tack, when it began to additive manufacture many of its lines.


Aidro also leverages the technology to manufacture industry-specific parts like rotary valve bonnets and servofly T4/1 adapters, which are targeted towards the energy, maritime and aerospace sectors respectively. The latter, which are SLS rather than PBF 3D printed, found fame in August 2019 when they were used to帮助残疾飞行员再次飞行,充当驾驶舱“插电”控制系统。

在其他地方,该公司仍在继续投资其增材制造设施,将其专用部门包装为按需生产备件和原型的印刷和扫描技术,但蒂雷利(Tirelli)在收购台式金属后说,现在它拥有现在所需的资源。迈出“ AM进化中的下一步”。

Tirelli说:“ AM提供了传统制造业无与伦比的利益,一旦Aidro意识到了其优势,我们就会迅速分配资源来发展专业知识并利用优势。”“随着台式金属的量表和行业领先的AM 2.0技术组合,包括其量为重量生产的金属粘合剂喷射解决方案,我们对Aidro的增长潜力感到非常兴奋。”

选择AIDRO 3D打印的液压零件。通过AIDRO图像。
选择AIDRO 3D打印的液压零件。通过AIDRO图像。


之后与Trine收购合并25亿美元in December 2020, Desktop Metal went public on the NYSE, in a move that saw it raise $580 million in funding. Leveraging its newfound capital, the firm has since gone on to acquire multiple subsidiaries under the guise of its wider ‘AM 2.0’ strategy, with the stated aim of opening further applications to its 3D printing users.

Thus far, Desktop Metal’s highest-profile purchase has beenExone,它同意以5.75亿美元的价格购买in cash and shares just last month. Once completed, the deal will see two of the sector’s biggest binder jetting firms join forces, and at the time it was agreed, Desktop Metal’s CEO Ric Fulop said that it would help “increase the penetration of the technology.”

Binder Jetting抛开,该公司也购买了其他3D打印区域以3亿美元的价格收购EnvisionTec去年进入DLP市场接管Adaptive3D改善其材料投资组合。该公司还投入了大量投资,以扩展到医疗保健部门,获取Beacon Bio建立桌面健康, a subsidiary it sees as a key future revenue driver.

With its acquisition of Aidro, however, Desktop Metal is not just buying its facilities, but inheriting its expertise, as well as its ISO9001 and AS/EN9100 certifications, which are particularly relevant within aerospace. According to Fulop, the deal therefore allows Desktop Metal to better support its clients with “proprietary design and application know-how,” in what he describes as “killer applications for AM 2.0.”

富洛普总结说:“艾德罗(Aidro)带来了一支才华横溢的团队,拥有数十年的液压和流体动力系统经验,并热衷于利用AM提供性能优势。”“我们对收购感到兴奋,并期待在液压,阀门,流体动力系统以及AIDRO开发中的最终用途零件上,以升级AM 2.0。”

Earlier this year, Domin also used Renishaw technologies to redesign and 3D print its servo valves. Photo via Renishaw.




早些时候,2020年3月GKN Additive也报道了3D printing a hydraulic adapter block,它重新设计的重量比传统制造的对应物少80%。通过采用设计添加剂制造(DFAM)原则,该公司能够减少构建所需的材料量以及其成本,同时改善其整体功能。

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特色图像显示了使用EOS M290 3D打印机的AIDRO工程师。通过Aidro的照片。