
Dentsply Sirona揭幕了Google云集成型牙科3D打印组合

跨国牙科产品制造商Dentsply Sirona已经引入了新的Primeprint 3D打印机和后处理单元。

新近悬挂的打印机由385nm轻型发动机提供动力,旨在使牙医尽可能简单地生产准确的型号,指南,临时或夹板。考虑到这一点,该公司已与Google Cloud集成,以便采用者可以在需要时以用户友好的方式数字化工作流程,同时访问高质量的3D牙齿可视化。

Dentsply Sirona首席执行官Don Casey说:“今天,我们踏入了由Dentsply Sirona创建的新数字宇宙,由Google Cloud提供动力。”“与Google Cloud一起,我们将使牙医更容易发展他们的数字实践或将第一步转向数字牙科。此外,借助Primeprint,我们正在基于我们用于牙科实践和实验室的整合端到端工作流程。”

Dentsply Sirona’s digitization drive

Founded as separate ‘Dentsply’ and ‘Sirona’ entities in the US and Germany respectively, Dentsply Sirona came together following a merger in 2016. This amalgamation created one of the largest dental manufacturers in the world, which now has approximately 16,000 employees, that operate in over 40 and sell in more than 120 countries around the globe.

Born from two companies committed to dental digitization, Dentsply Sirona continues to market a broad range of products in this area. For instance, the firm doesn’t just offer the orthodontic tools and implants needed to carry out procedures, but a full chairside production suite, including itsCerec Primescanscanning system,milling machine并随附牙科建模软件

过去,Dentsply Sirona还通过其增材制造涉足Lucitone数字印刷义齿offering. Essentially a 3D printing workflow in which系统用于从公司的专有树脂系列中创建牙桥,据说该技术使用户每两个小时最多生产八个义齿拱门。


“Dentsply Sirona has always been a pioneer in digital dentistry,” explained Casey. “Whether it was virtually inventing dental imaging, creating intraoral scanning or creating single visit dentistry, Dentsply Sirona has led the way. With its announcements, Dentsply Sirona will again look to transform dentistry with new devices and AI-supported solutions and services.”

Dentsply Sirona's upcoming Primeprint 3D printing portfolio.
Dentsply Sirona’s upcoming Primeprint 3D printing portfolio. Image via Dentsply Sirona.


Dentsply的Primeprint系列旨在通过3月初亮相的虚拟发射活动揭幕,旨在为牙医提供一个用户友好的,端到端的平台,用于3D打印最终用途的模型,指南和夹板。在直播产品演示中,该公司展示了其简化的四步质印刷生产过程,该过程始于访问患者在其“ CAM 22” 3D建模软件上的扫描数据。


在Dentsply Sirona的演练的第二步中,它展示了如何预先包装的颜色编码墨盒,使其易于安装,并且很难使新移民混淆。一旦加载,该公司表示,其系统能够快速使用这些材料以高度准确性地创建牙科产品,尽管尚未指定这在详细水平方面的含义。

Finally, the process’ third and fourth steps involved moving unfinished parts in a ‘PP-Box’ to the Primeprint PPU machine for post-processing. Inside the system, products undergo two washing cycles, air-drying and additional light curing, before coming out safe-to-handle, requiring only the removal of supports and a polish before entering end-usage.

除了Primeprint和PPU推出外,Dentsply Sirona还推出了其Google Cloud Partnership。尽管该公司几乎没有透露这项合作将如何使其新系统的采用者受益,但它暗示了该软件的集成,从而实现了文件的无缝,安全共享和解锁High-Res 3D模型可视化。

Moving forwards, the company has teased that its new 3D printing portfolio is set for release in May 2022, and it has committed to providing more detail about the capabilities of its machines over the “coming weeks and months.”

为了与新产品的发行相吻合,Dentsply Sirona已安排Primeprint online launch eventas well, for which those interested can now register.


Dentsply Sirona的牙科挑战者

Dentsply Sirona’s decision to enter the dental 3D printer manufacturing space will see it fight for a share of an increasingly crowded market with a number of established competitors. The likes ofFormlabs, for example, have been marketing dental products for some time now, and just last month it launched a partnership with冥想, through which it aims to enable可访问的椅子牙齿3D打印

Desktop Health还在2月推出了其牙科组合new DLP Einstein 3D printers。在入门级,“ Pro”和“ Pro XL”迭代中可用,据说该系统由“ HyperPrint”技术提供动力,该过程有效地为它们提供了高达50%的构建速度提高Envision One平台。


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特色图片显示了Dentsply Sirona即将推出的Primeprint 3D打印组合。通过Dentsply Sirona图像。