
New 3D Printing Process Seeks To Put Industrial 3D Metal Manufacturing On Your Desktop

HP的Multi Jet Fusion(MJF)是每个人最近一直在谈论的3D打印的新调制。但是,还有另一个新的添加剂制造过程,可能会在行业内部人士故意的情况下占据一席之地。南加州大学快速自动制造技术中心(CRAFT)一直是选择性抑制烧结(SIS)的研究基础,渴望创建负担得起的高质量消费者(Sub-usd $ 5000)金属打印机。如何?通过逆转工业增材制造机中使用的烧结过程。

‘3D printing,’ the de-facto world view terminolgy, is a set of technologies also known as additive manufacturing (AM) – the industrial standard definition. AM in essence means ‘使通过添加’ —使用高和 /或浓缩能量形成。此通用技术相对于它们的效用,还有其他同步技术:例如快速生产和快速原型制作。还有其他较少使用的高鼻,例如自由形式制造。“ 3D打印”作为一个术语,该术语仅作为该技术集的一种调制(一种生产方法)的标签:通过通过喷墨头添加层来制作,然后成为此和所有其他AM过程的超核。In the popular consciousness the term ‘3D printing’ is also affiliated with ‘prosumer printers,’ also known as ‘desktop manufacturing’ or the ‘desktop factory.’ These are low-to-middle quality desktop sized machines that utilise a narrower proportion of the total range of使通过添加方法。相对于AM技术的输出质量范围广度,其中的低至中间质量包括行业使用的数百万美元机器*。在这里,选择性抑制烧结可能被证明是术语和技术的遇见点。

SIS metal machine

The prime industry report, The Wohlers Report, defines two categories of additive manufacturing machines: consumer and industrial, with consumer 3D printers classified as those that cost less than $5,000. The first consumer (or prosumer, as perAlvin Toffler或3DPI自己Juho Vesanto) machines to bring industrial machine additive metal processes to the desktop are almost with us, such as the $3,999 Sintratec Desktop Laser Sintering 3D Printer and $2,500 DIYEster SLS 3D Printerby Brandon Fosdick. Innovative fruition of industrial grade feedstock for consumer 3D printers is also progressing, such as Turner MedTech’s propriatoryGMASS 3D丝。此外,将金属印刷带到生产商的新调制正在进行中,例如气金属电弧焊接(GMAW) that was developed at Michigan Technological University, and liquid metal jetting (LMJ) developed at the University of Texas Arlington. But new processes that innovate affordability for industrial grade metal additive manufacturing at home are yet to materialise. The researchers behind the Selective Inhibition Sintering project believe that this technology may be the one to accomplish that goal.

Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis and his team at the University of Southern California have based their research upon the promise of the premise to invert the lazer sintering process using inhibitive retardance. Upon each strata of powder layered, piezoelectric deposition of liquid chemical inhibitor in the periphery of the strata of desired output form prevent powder particle fusing. Thus the prevented periphery becomes an impedance boundary to the extremity, which in turn becomes a sacrificial mould upon conventional furnace sintering.

crescent wrench 3d printing
CAD model (left) and the printed part (right) (credit: Torabi Payman et al./3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing)

The prototype SIS-metal machine constructed for the research consists of a three-axis motion system, piezo-electric printhead and controller board — with motion control and user interface software.

The summary of the研究论文引入SIS的总结为这一过程的成功“the SIS-metal process has proven adaptable for use in a consumer-level machine by way of an inkjet printhead.”There are adaptive obsticles after this initial stage of prototype:“成品青铜零件的零件强度和孔隙率尚未表征。零件的收缩和表面质量也可以改善。目前尚不清楚地下间收缩率是否相对于在给定方向上的部分长度是线性的。关于方向性收缩的变化(X vs. y vs. Z)的变化将进行更多研究。最后,液体抑制剂的过度渗透会导致样品部分朝向表面的表面缺陷。计划对抑制剂沉积进行微调,以避免这些缺陷。”

SIS metal machine chemical composition

*The ‘3D printing industry,’ itself could be said to refer to all markets of all applications of this set of technologies. There is, by standardised definitions,no single extant ‘3D printing industry’per say, insomuch as there is no single extant ‘subtractive manufacturing industry.’ Rather, there are a number of methods of使通过添加在许多市场上都有许多应用。

Source:Kurzweil AI