
Directed Energy Deposition focus of AddUp and MT Aerospace deal

法国金属添加剂制造公司加起来和德国航空公司MT Aerospacehave extended their partnership on Directed Energy Deposition (DED) technology. The extension of this partnership includes the acquisition of a second Module 400 machine by MT Aerospace.

Additive manufacturing systems based on DED technology, range from Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) also known as laser cladding, blown powder DED, and trade names such as Laser Engineering Net Shape (LENS). Material, in either wire or powder form, is transformed from solid to liquid state via focused energy, for example, an electron beam, laser, or in some cases a plasma arc.

The DED print head is mounted on a gantry, much like FFF/FDM, and moves across the build chamber to deposit material. In addition to the energy source and material, the print head may also provide a shielding gas to maintain an inert atmosphere around the melt pool.

The extension of this partnership includes the acquisition of a secondModule 400 machine由山航空航天。这两台DED机器将使MT Aerospace能够在缩短工业化时间的同时繁殖项目,从而使公司能够更快地朝着该技术的系列生产迈进。

在过去的两年中,Addup与MT Aerospace专家紧密合作,通过DED流程合格了申请。Modulo 400机器由一个振动粉末分配器组成,可在沉积喷嘴的粉末供应中稳定性和可靠性,可以生产具有精细表面饰面和理想机械性能的部分。MT Aerospace表示,由于围栏惰性装置,它已成功地在广泛的材料上进行了测试,该设备允许使用钛等反应性粉末。

Module 400 machine. Image via AddUp.
Module 400 machine. Image via AddUp.


MT Aerospace is planning to build a comprehensive industrial platform based on DED technology in just two years, with design capabilities as well as production, post-processing, and part inspection capabilities. All of these activities, according to the company, will be later compatible with the specifications of theEN 9100标准relevant to the aerospace sector.

随着第二个Modulo 400 3D打印机的添加,MT Aerospace声称它已提高了对DED过程的理解。因此,该公司将能够利用加倍的制造能力同时在多个方向上工作。首先,与European Space Agency,卫星油箱的合格阶段将加速,卫星和微型发射器的新鲜应用也将加速。其次,这台第二台机器将为扩展服务,从而解决其他行业,例如汽车或能源。

MT Aerospace声称,它已经在DED流程中“成功地说服了几个校长”,现在依靠这台新的添加机器来补充未来几年预期的生产量的增长。Addup通过允许其来自德国及以后的消费者从MT Aerospace的专业知识中受益匪浅,从而帮助这一增长。

Satellite tank made out of titanium. Image via AddUp.
Satellite tank made out of titanium. Image via AddUp.


以前,跨国汽车制造商宝马announced the successful completion of its Digitalisation and增材制造业的工业化或“ IDAM”项目。自四年前成立以来,宝马及其合作伙伴已经建立了两个数字化的汽车3D打印生产线。这些制造套件,一个在材料开发人员的波恩的套件GKN Powder Metallurgyand the other in Munich, are capable of producing around 50,000 parts each year while functioning autonomously without the necessity for manual input.

Furthermore,西门子opened its Charlotte Advanced Technology Collaboration Hub (抓住),以帮助客户加速计划additive manufacturing industrialization. This research and development facility is located in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is led by西门子Digital Industries,西门子Technology, and西门子Energy. To further industrialize 3D printing in the region, the hub will collaborate with key OEMs, end-users, and US national laboratories.

Siemens Digital Industries的增材制造业经理Tim Bell说:“我们很高兴推出这个新的增材制造中心,并开始邀请客户进行协作,并找到加速该技术工业化的方法。”“从更快的上市时间,通过数字原型设计到局部制造,有助于减少供应链的限制,从更快的上市时间到更好的设计,可以从更快的时间到设计。”

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