
不可能的对象unveils pilot Model One 3D printer at RAPID + TCT

不可能的对象宣布了其飞行员3D打印机,这是匹兹堡举行的Rapid + TCT 2017会议上的Model One。这家位于芝加哥的公司一直在完善基于复合材料的添加剂制造方法(CBAM)for several years和will now release its first 3D printer machine with this technology.

根据不可能的对象,该技术的三个主要好处是更强的零件,获得高质量的材料和生产速度。不可能物品的董事长兼创始人罗伯特·斯瓦茨(Robert Swartz)解释说:


3D打印行业是在Rapid + TCT会议上从匹兹堡直播今年有300多家参展商展示了最新的3D打印技术。



Impossible Object regards its unique CBAM technology as“ 20多年来,第一个真正的新3D打印过程。”


Once excess powder is removed with a vacuum, the sheets are stacked, compressed and heated in a furnace. This binds the polymer powder together and melts the sheets to form one solid object. Uncoated fibers are then removed with chemicals or mechanically and the user is left with “一个异常耐用,轻巧的物体,以前无法如此迅速,廉价地制造出来。”

The 6 steps of CBAM technology. Image via Impossible Objects.
The 6 steps of CBAM technology. Image via Impossible Objects.






In addition, due to the use of composites, Impossible Objects believe printed parts will be flexible in their application. Functionality is one of the main selling points of the machine as Impossible Objects state,




不可能的对象state that the CBAM technology “有可能使公司在生产速度上建立重要的零件比当前方法快100倍。”The company believes also that due to the functionality of the parts produced, the machine could be used to produce both a prototype and the final product.

主席兼创始人罗伯特·斯瓦茨(Robert Swartz)正如他所说的那样回应了这一点

We’ve seen tremendous interest from a range of companies who want the advantages of 3D printing for their high-volume manufacturing and for materials they cannot get elsewhere,



The Model One machine will roll out to select Fortune 500 companies before it is available to the general public in early 2018. One of the pilot program partners is Jabil. The international manufacturing company was also北美的第一家获得HP Jet Fusion 4200的公司.

Jabil AM生态系统发展与战略高级总监Greg Ojeda说:“we believe Impossible Objects’ CBAM could become an enabling technology for high-volume manufacturing.”在添加之前,

We’ve identified applications where Impossible Objects could deliver a competitive advantage and significant cost savings over conventional manufacturing processes. We are excited to take part in Impossible Objects’ pilot program and look forward to working with the Impossible Objects’ team.

3D印刷行业最近还听到了Jabil的数字制造总监,Rush LaSelle,on his thoughts on 3D Printing: The Next Five Years.

CBAM 3D打印机翼。图像通过不可能的对象。
CBAM 3D打印机翼。图像通过不可能的对象。


Build Speed – 45 cubic inches per hour or greater

Build Volume – At least 384 cubic inches (12 x 8 x 4*) and up to 768 cubic inches (12 x 16 x 4*)

Layer Height – 0.0016 in (40 μm) to 0.002 in (50 μm) depending on fiber selection

X/Y print resolution – 600 dpi / 42 μm

3D印刷行业奖将于本月在伦敦举行,voting is still open to decide the winners.

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Featured image shows the Model One machine. Image via Impossible Objects.