

4D printed, shape-shifting structures hold significant potential for the future of engineering. Be itself-assembling trusses, 或者medical devices that help inform cell regeneration,该领域在其可能性变得实用之前仍然存在许多挑战。到目前为止,4D打印的最大挑战之一就是能够创建复杂,平滑曲折的形状。很难用单个材料和简单的结构,而需要多材的,异质的设计。

哈佛大学,来自约翰·鲍尔森工程与应用科学学院(海洋)和WYSS生物学启发工程学院have collaborated to create the challenging 4D printed shapes. Demonstrating the potential of the technology in a paper published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), the methods developed by the team have been used to create a frequency-shifting antenna, and a flat lattice that, when placed in salt water, takes on the shape of a human face.

A flat lattice transforms into the face of 19th century mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss on contact with salt water. Screenshot via PNAS, Supplementary Materials 
一个平坦的格子转变为19世纪数学家卡尔·弗里德里希高斯(Carl Friedrich Gauss)的面孔,与盐水接触。通过PNA,补充材料的屏幕截图



In the recent experiment from SEAS and Wyss, a complex lattice is built-up in several layers using the select, multi-direction repetition of a curved rib. The ribs are deposited in the process using a combination of four different elastomeric inks – each one reacting differently to the proposed stimuli.

The layering of multimaterial inks and curved rib design to form a transforming lattice of Carl Friedrich Gauss's face. Screenshot via PNAS, Supplementary Materials
The layering of multimaterial inks and curved rib design to form a transforming lattice of Carl Friedrich Gauss’s face. Screenshot via PNAS, Supplementary Materials

为了实现可预测的转换,在设计阶段预定了为创建每个单独的肋骨所选择的确切位置,方向和材料。在一个示例中,对肋骨的转换进行了调整,以创建一个天线,该天线会随着从平坦的移动到圆形的形状而改变谐振频率。在更复杂的示范中,肋骨也被调整为模仿19世纪数学家卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯(Carl Friedrich Gauss)的面貌,后者奠定了差异几何形状的基础。

Portrait, 3D model and subsequent lattice design of the face of Carl Friedrich Gauss used for experimental purposes in the recent Harvard study. Image via Harvard University
Portrait, 3D model and subsequent lattice design of the face of Carl Friedrich Gauss used for experimental purposes in the recent Harvard study. Image via Harvard University

“使用集成的设计和制造方法,我们可以在这些印刷材料中编码复杂的'指令集',以驱动其形状变形行为”explainsProfessor Jennifer A. Lewis, leader of the获奖Lewis Lab at Harvard and the Hansjorg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering,

Distilling the importance of such a project, Professor Lewis adds:

“Together, we are creating new classes of shape-shifting matter.”


The controlling geometric designs created through this research are ready to be applied to other stimuli-responsive materials, opening up exploration of 4D printed, “scalable, reversible, shape-shifting structures with unprecedented complexity.” Example applications for such a multidisciplinary approach include the soft electronic development, smart fabrics, tissue engineering and robotics, exemplified in some ways by Harvard’s other软机器人技术的发展

Professor L. Mahadevan, a Harvard professor of physics and organismic and evolutionary biology and co-author on the study, concludes, “Form both enables and constrains function. Using mathematics and computation to design form, and a combination of multiscale geometry and multimaterial printing to realize it, we are now able to build shape-shifting structures with the potential for a range of functions.”

要进一步阅读:“Shape-shifting structured lattices via multimaterial 4D printing” is co-authored by J. William Boley, Wim M. van Rees, Charles Lissandrello, Mark N. Horenstein, Ryan L. Truby, Arda Kotikian, Jennifer A. Lewis, and L. Mahadevan.

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Featured image shows a 4D printed lattice pattern of mathemetician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Photo via Harvard University