
Researchers 3D print the full color spectrum by copying butterfly wings



Cynandra Opis物种的翅膀原产于热带非洲,其特征是其鲜艳的颜色。然而,这些颜色不是基于色素的,而是结构上的,这意味着它们是由机翼表面复杂的纳米结构产生的。通过偏转和折射可见光,Cynandra Opis的翅膀扩大了某些颜色成分,从而产生了宝石式的光泽。

由生化工程教授安德鲁·德梅洛(Andrew DeMello)领导的研究小组成功地设法使用自定义的纳米载构技术重新创建了这些自然出现的结构。

该研究的首席作者小曹解释说:“ Cynandra Opis的翅膀上的常规纳米结构特别适合使用3D打印。”

雄性Cynandra Opis蝴蝶是3D打印结构颜色的型号。通过Eth Zurich的照片。
雄性Cynandra Opis蝴蝶是3D打印结构颜色的型号。通过Eth Zurich的照片。

模仿Cynandra Opis通过3D纳米刺

在显微镜下看,Cynandra Opis蝴蝶的翅膀包含二维杆的网格,这些网格彼此堆叠在一起。这些杆之间的自然间距在0.5 - 1微米之间。

通过3D打印杆的相同网格,但在250纳米和1.2微米之间改变了间距和高度,ETH研究人员发现可以在可见光谱上几乎生成任何颜色。在研究中实现的许多色调甚至都不是Cynandra Opis的翅膀。此外,纳米结构是在包括透明聚合物在内的各种材料中印刷的3D。

“This made it possible to illuminate the structure from behind to bring out the color,” explains Stavros Stavrakis, co-author of the study. “This is the first time we’ve managed to produce all the colors of the visible spectrum as structural colors in a translucent material.”

SEM imaging of the two-​layer grid. On the left is a detail of a butterfly wing, and on the right a portion of the 3D printed structure. Image via ETH Zurich.
SEM imaging of the two-layer grid. On the left is a detail of a butterfly wing, and on the right is a portion of the 3D printed structure. Image via ETH Zurich.

Where can the technology be applied?

为了找到其技术的应用程序,ETH Team 3D打印了由结构性颜色像素制成的微型2×2千分尺的图像。研究人员认为,类似的微小图像最终可以用于钞票和其他文档的身份验证目的。

Since the colors can be 3D printed using transparent materials, it’s also possible to produce color filters for optical devices. This particular application would align well with deMello’s research group, which specializes in the development of microfluidic systems. The current work could help miniaturize systems for chemical and biological experiments.


Finally, the researchers even believe that the 3D printed structural colors could be an adequate alternative to the pigments used in printing and painting. Not only would they last longer due to resistance to UV-induced fading, but they’d also offer a better environmental footprint than the majority of today’s pigmentation options.

Further details of the study can be found in the paper titled ‘复制Cynandra Opis蝴蝶的结构颜色,用于生物启发的颜色过滤器’.

The technology was used to 3D print the full color spectrum. Photo via ETH Zurich.
The technology was used to 3D print the full color spectrum. Photo via ETH Zurich.

This isn’t the first time researchers have looked to copy mother nature in a bid to enable color-changing 3D printing applications. Just recently, researchers from都柏林三一学院SFI高级材料和生物工程研究中心(AMBER) developed a novel set ofmicroscopic 3D printed gas sensors based on the color-changing feathers of a peacock。3D打印的传感器能​​够在某些溶剂蒸气的情况下更改颜色,并且可以用作检测有害污染物的非常视觉的方式。

在其他地方,来自埃因霍温大学(周二)随着小说的发展打破了新的地面3D可打印的颜色改变液晶墨水。The ink changes colors based on the angle it’s viewed at, making it iridescent like the exterior of a jewel beetle or the inside of a mollusk shell.

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特色图片显示了男性Cynandra Opis蝴蝶。通过Eth Zurich的照片。