
波音和诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)become latest to join Biden’s AM Forward 3D printing program

Aerospace manufacturer波音和国防公司诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)have joined the US government-backedAm Forward 3D打印计划

Launched by President Joe Biden in May 2022, AM Forward is a voluntary program designed to help small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) increase their 3D printing adoption, as a way of better securing their supply chains. Through the scheme, the firms have committed to buying more 3D printed parts from US suppliers, as well as providing them with technical support to aid their qualification efforts.

就其部分而言,波音公司将提高其合格的中小企业供应商能力30%,提供指导,以符合其资格标准和行业的标准,并针对带有3D打印订单的更多中小型供应商。同时,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)现在正在寻求从美国较小公司的添加剂制造产品,机械,工具和处理研发包的50%。

波音增加性制造副总裁梅利莎·奥梅(Melissa Orme)博士说:“我们知道包括波音在内的美国工业基础的竞争力依赖于各种各样的供应商生产和后处理关键航空航天零件的能力。”“通过Am Forward,我们有信心我们可以协作加速AM的采用;提高美国供应链的敏捷性,能力和弹性;并支持并扩大整个美国的高薪工作。”

GE Aviation has also used 3D printing to produce aircraft parts, including in Boeing's 777x jet engine (pictured). Photo via Boeing.
波音的777X喷气发动机,配有GE Aviation-3D打印零件。通过波音的照片。


尽管美国通货膨胀率降至8.5%in July 2022, this was a dip from the lofty 9.1% it had hit in June 2022, which was the country’s highest figure since 1981. As such, the pressure of inflation, in addition to wider factors like supply chain issues caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine and COVID-19, continue to impact the pricing and delivery of US goods and services.

在这种情况下,Am Forward已经诞生了,目的是帮助我们公司使用3D打印来将生产带入内部。除了在美国商务部建立新的供应链办公室外,该计划还促进了大型制造商和小型供应商之间建立契约,而前者为后者提供了3D打印培训和技术支持。

Organized by theApplied Science & Technology Research Organization of America(Astro America),该计划向任何OEM开放,只要他们愿意公开承诺支持美国供应商。白宫高级顾问苏·赫尔珀(Sue Helper)表示,跨国公司已经加入了AM前进,他说,外源将是美国破坏通货膨胀的努力的关键。

Helper说:“本届政府的优先事项是降低家庭依赖的商品和服务的成本,而做到这一点的最佳方法之一就是在美国制造更多的东西。”“ AM Forward专注于添加剂制造,以帮助我们实现这些目标。我们赞扬波音公司和诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)认识到促进其供应链中添加制造的好处。”



波音和诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop GrummanGE Aviation,,,,霍尼韦尔,,,,洛克希德·马丁,,,,雷神Siemens Energy在程序上。与他们的其他成员一样,两家公司已公开致力于从美国供应商那里购买3D印刷零件,培训他们的工人并参与标准研发。

Both firms, which have made specific commitments to include more US SMEs in the bidding for related request for quote (RFQ) packages, also bring extensive 3D printing experience to the initiative that could prove invaluable to new adopters.

自2017年以来波音揭晓的计划3D打印卫星,,,,it has gone on to develop the partially-3D打印宽带全球卫星卫星并打开一个高通量卫星3D打印设施。此外,为了帮助技术的采用,波音公司拥有合格的Stratasys的Antero 800NAfor flight-ready parts, and sought to developAI领导的航空3D打印过程in ‘Project MEDAL.’

同样,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)长期以来一直是该领域的创新者新的3D可打印复合材料在2019年之前支持美国海军学院3D打印项目with a $150,000 grant. With the addition of its latest members, ASTRO America President Neal Orringer says AM Forward has gained the support of two stalwarts, actively working to further the program’s objectives.

“供应链危机不仅仅是改善我们的港口。这也是关于创新商店的地板 - 就在美国的小型企业中,” Orringer补充说。“我们期待与波音公司和诺斯罗普·格鲁曼(Northrop Grumman)一起前进。这些公司是正在特别照顾供应商并提高美国竞争力的领导者。”


As the scope of AM Forward continues to broaden, it’s worth noting that it’s not the only state-backed 3D printing initiative in the US, or indeed the world.美国制造,,,,for instance, continues to boost the technology’s R&D via the distribution of US government funding. Last month,美国发出了460万美元的项目电话对于工业和in-sourcing-focuse珩磨d 3D printing methods.

在池塘上,Innovate UK近年来,还支持了许多增材制造研发计划。早在2020年Innovate UK awarded Meta Additive £1.2 millionto support the further development of its binder jetting technology. This closely followed Innovate UK’s backing forBlue Tap的3D打印氯剂,,,,a device designed to make water safe to drink in developing countries.

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Featured image shows Boeing’s 777x jet engine, complete with GE Aviation-3D printed parts. Photo via Boeing.