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Italian renewable energy companyEnel Green Power使用3D打印为其地热发电厂开发了替代技术组件。

作为该公司旗舰间歇泉项目的一部分,意大利卡夫里格利亚的Enel的Santa Barbara冶金实验室通过使用3D打印机来修复其一家工厂的关键组件,从而优化其地热发电厂的管理。

“It all started from our curiosity and desire to use the 3D printer that we had in-house,” said Nicoletta Mazzuca, Enel Green Power’s Project Manager for Geyser. “We wanted to repair parts that were going to end up in landfills because they couldn’t be fixed with conventional forging techniques. But, thanks to our colleagues’ passion, competence, and cooperation, we found a solution.”

意大利的地热电厂。通过Enel Green Power的照片。
意大利的地热电厂。通过Enel Green Power的照片。


Enel’s Geyser project is seeking to improve the sustainability, functionality and operational efficiency of its geothermal plants, while taking into account the plants’ impact on the environment.

使用3D打印来修复Enel的地热发电厂的基本组件的想法是从地热,热力和水力发电部门的技术人员和专家的圆桌会议上诞生的,这些部门是Geyser Project的一部分。

Enel的Santa Barbara Metallurgy Lab设有直接能源沉积(DED)3D打印机,该团队试图利用各种金属零件的复制和维修。

圣塔芭芭拉冶金实验室的技术领导者和协调员Giulio Andrucci说:“打印机位于一个也有冶金实验室的地区,这一事实具有巨大的附加值。”“通过这种方式,可以几乎实时监控添加剂制造过程,检查制造物品的机械,化学和冶金特性,以便我们还可以依靠持续的反馈。”

Enel的DED 3D打印机位于圣塔芭芭拉冶金实验室。通过Enel Green Power的照片。
Enel的DED 3D打印机位于圣塔芭芭拉冶金实验室。通过Enel Green Power的照片。


对于项目的试点阶段,使用DED 3D打印机用于修复叶轮,这是地热植物中离心压缩机的重要组成部分。叶轮在涡轮机膨胀过程结束时从蒸气中提取不可凝聚的气体,这有助于保护涡轮叶片免受磨损。

ENEL团队购买了用于使叶轮的粉末状材料的粉末状形式,一种称为17-4 pH的专门不锈钢,并开始使用3D打印机逐层修复叶轮。根据Enel的说法,该项目的成功标志着地热发电厂的“磨损部分的首次历史修复”。

“间歇泉项目使我们能够介绍并分享Enel在意大利的各种供应链的卓越多个卓越的能力,” Enel Green Power的O&M Geo的车间维护和技术服务负责人Matteo Niccolai说。


根据埃奈尔的团队,公益诉讼的成功ot has paved the way for a more circular reuse of materials within its geothermal plants. Previously, worn impellers were simply replaced with new ones and ended up in landfills, however repairing them using 3D printing could save the company some €70,000 per year, it estimates.




Circularity refers to an economic system with the goal of eliminating waste and the continual use of resources, and角色3D打印可以扮演in achieving this is a notion receiving increasing attention.

拥抱3D打印技术和流程以改善其制造活动的循环的公司包括雷诺集团,这完全创建了一个专门用于sustainable automotive productionthrough the recycling and retrofitting of vehicles using 3D printing.

Also looking to improve their sustainability credentials are福特和3D打印机OEM生命值,他们合作将3D打印废物回收为最终用途的汽车零件。在什么被认为是一个行业, the firms are converting recycled 3D printing material into injection-molded fuel-line clips for use on Ford’s Super Duty F-250 tricks.

在其他地方,荷兰基础设施部,rijkswatestaat,为SBIR计划选择了10名参与者,旨在带来循环高架桥更快地到达市场through technologies such as automated 3D printing. The ministry is seeking alternative viaduct innovations that will provide a lower environmental impact over the viaduct’s lifespan.



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Featured image shows意大利的地热电厂。通过Enel Green Power的照片。

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