3D Software

doodle3d– Simple Sketching Tool for 3D Printing Goes Live on KS

doodle3d- 不要与3Doodler笔混淆 - 是一种简单的基于软件的草图工具,该工具是由Fablab Amersfoort的创建者Rick Companje设计的,可与3D打印机兼容WiFi兼容性。Doodle3D允许人们通过iPad,电话或计算机上的可访问且易于使用的接口进行数字设计和绘制,并将结果转换为3D可打印的文件,可以通过WiFi将其打印到附近的(开源)3D打印机。


实际上,似乎任何使用doodle3d的人都可以发挥创意 - 从简单的线条图,符号,字符,简单的小工具或装饰艺术,并打印出3D结果。该软件还提供雕刻和旋转工具。

For Doodle3D, simplicity is the key — Doodle3D software runs on your mobile device, and the Doodle3D WiFi Box — a tiny and very smart device —connects the device to the 3D printer. There is no requirement to understand 3D design rules, stl files, code etc. Currently Doodle3D is only compatible with open source 3D printers. Testing has yielded good results with Ultimakers, open-source MakerBots and Printrbots, with plans to extend this much further and even investigate proprietary 3D printers such as the Cube and Rep2 if possible.

The Doodle3D Kickstarter campaign has just started and is seeking $50,000 of funding — the software is currently in good shape and being used excitedly and successfully in BETA, but the guys behind the project want to make a “stable release version” and make it available on as many platforms as possible and to as many people as possible.

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