
CES 2023:今年消费者技术展示的每一个主要的3D打印更新

顾名思义,Consumer Electronics Show或“ CES”是一种致力于突出主流消费技术的最新进展的贸易展览。

多年来,该展览已成为那些寻求最新信息的日记中的主食,从电视和智能手表到彻头彻尾的Zany Innovations,例如飞行汽车和说话的宠物。

Given the expo’s mass-market appeal, it’s also used by some 3D printing firms as a channel through which they can address a much wider audience than their traditional industry clientele. In the past, this has seen the likes of Anycubic, Aectual, and Exos showcase systems, services and custom medical devices, respectively, in a way that helped bring them to mainstream media attention.

今年的演出并没有什么不同,诸如formlabs之类的坚定者以及标致和立丽玛(Neutrogena)等行业外的知名人士。此外,CES 2023看到了Kokoni,Handddle,HyperX等,以及推出新的3D印刷产品。继续阅读展览楼的最新信息。



从3D打印的角度发射的杰出发射之一是formlabs’引入以生产力为中心的Automation Ecosystem.由三个新产品组成:该公司的Form Auto和大量树脂硬件软件包以及车队控制软件,据说新平台可帮助用户推动更大的3D打印利用率。


FormlabsCpoDávidLakatos在发布时说:“ FormLabs自动化生态系统是一种无缝的解决方案,用于使用3D打印机舰队加强生产,忠于所有Formlabs产品的易用性。Formlabs用户最近实现了一个主要的里程碑,在我们的3D打印机上印刷了超过1亿个零件,并且通过添加该生态系统,FormLabs正在增加容量,以便用户可以进一步提供3D打印创新。”



On the skincare front,中产阶级还揭示了其最新的技术应用:个性化3D printed skin health supplements。Using the firm’s new ‘Skin360 SkinStacks’ service, customers are now able to complete a facial self-scan to identify areas of improvement for their skincare routine, before ordering gummies designed to meet their specific needs.

然后,每个命令都通过滋养,由单个营养层组成的3D打印补品专家。以前以品牌交易魔术糖果工厂and Vitamyne, the company has a background in producing sugary treats and helping developFabRX-3D打印个性化药物。In the past, the firm has also worked with big consumer brands like高露洁为了销售其软糖,它现在以与Neutrogena的合作伙伴关系形式达成了类似的大众市场吸引力。

“我们的基础是,美丽始于健康的皮肤,并以一种始终提供在科学和技术交集建立的护肤解决方案的遗产而感到自豪,” Neutrogena的SVP Roberto Khoury说。“与滋养合作,我们可以通过将屡获殊荣的数字皮肤评估与滋养的3D打印结合起来,以创造按需饮食补充剂来进一步做出承诺,这有助于消费者实现其个人护肤目标。”

科科尼SOTA systems on display at CES 2023. Photo via KOKONI.
科科尼SOTA systems on display at CES 2023. Photo via KOKONI.


在CES 2023,中国3D打印机制造商科科尼借此机会推出AI-led SOTA system. Interestingly, the machine features an ‘upside-down’ design that’s said to deliver a print speed of up to 600mm/s while offering users “exceptional stability with close-to-zero vibration.” The system is also quiet, emitting 30 decibels of noise during operation, and packs a custom high-speed stepper motor and close-loop motor system, that provide smooth, reliable performance.

Kokoni Sota的更具创新性的方面之一是机器的AI驱动实时监控和错误检测系统。据该公司称,该部门的“ II Intelligent Camera”允许其涵盖从意大利面条和破损检测到物质使用水平的所有内容,并在需要进行任何更改时提醒用户。

该公司在一份声明中说:“科科尼·索塔(Kokoni Sota)革新了3D印刷行业,其先进的AI技术允许进行实时监控和错误检测。”“它的AI Intelligent相机和微米级的光雷达监视了实时错误的打印过程,并可以提醒用户。Kokoni Sota将AI的力量带到了印刷过程中,并将创作提升到了新的高度。”

Other esteemed 3D printer manufacturers exhibiting at the show included手用,它引入了工业互联网(IoT)平台,旨在帮助将3D打印缩放到工业水平,以及lynxter。后者展示了lynxterS300X它于去年推出,该系统能够将3D打印的硅和聚氨酯分解为减震器,密封,矫形器和功能化纺织品。

CES 2023的Lynxter S300X 3D打印机。通过Lynxter摄影。
CES 2023的Lynxter S300X 3D打印机。通过Lynxter摄影。


远离3D打印系统发布,法国汽车跨国公司标致首次亮相其支持制造业的“ Inception”概念。该设计概念的中心是下一代“ I-Cockpit”,配备了3D打印的RIM“ Hypersquare”电子控制系统,可以缩回以腾出全景乘客屏幕。


“Peugeot is committed to the electrification of its range,” explained Peugeot Brand CEO Linda Jackson. “In 2023, 100% of the vehicles in the range will be electrified and in the next two years, five new 100% electric models will be launched. Our ambition is simple: to make Peugeot the leading electric brand in Europe by 2030. This objective and ambitious vision pave the way for a radical transformation for the brand.”

标致Inception EV设计概念的内部渲染。图像通过标致。
标致Inception EV设计概念的内部呈现。图像通过标致。


在游戏发展中,生命值分配HyperXintroduced its very own custom 3D printed keycap range. As part of its CES exhibition, the firm showcased a variety of personalized ‘HX3D’ keyboards, headsets, mice, and other gaming peripherals. Manufactured from an eco-friendly nylon, the first keycap unveiled at the show was a unique HyperX Cozy Cat design, voted for by the gaming community.

Over the months ahead, this peripheral upgrade is set to be followed by several others for both HyperX and most other mechanical keyboards, which allow gamers to customize their favorite gear using HP’s proprietary 3D printing technology.

“我们知道游戏玩家喜欢定制,花费大量时间和精力来更新各种游戏中的物品,从角色到皮肤再到武器及其他产品,” HyperX全球营销景观Daniel Kelley说。“ HX3D正在将这种游戏体验个性化为实物世界中,并启用各种有趣的方法来更新和自定义屡获殊荣的Hyperx装备。”

同时,韩国初创企业超新星选择展示其功能HuenitCES 2023的机器人臂。由于其内置相机,基于风险的处理器和AI加速器,该设备能够实时识别人员和对象。这与ARM的蓝牙功能同时,有可能允许用户在物联网应用程序中无线部署。

According to the company, the modular system is capable of rotating 220 degrees and lifting up to 26.5 ounces of weight, and can either be fitted with tools, including a high-power laser engraver and 3D printer, or utensils for carrying out household chores. With its new product, which has already netted it a CES 2023 Innovation Award, Supernova is also said to be targeting educational use cases.


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Featured image shows the CES Convention Center in Las Vegas. Photo via Lynxter.