3D Printing


每个人都称其为“为空气防御价值链服务的加性制造必不可少的商业活动!”好的,这就是促销材料所说的,但是Additive/Aerospace SummiT 10月16日至18日在洛杉矶举行的T确实令人兴奋。该活动由半天的研讨会组成,由两天的扬声器和面板成功,旨在为航空航天和添加剂制造(AM)行业提供网络的机会,并了解3D打印如何影响航空航天的生产和国防设备。

飞跃航空航天 正如AM现在明显地渗透了航空航天部门(已经有多年的历史发展,大多是封闭式后面 - 仍然需要解决许多问题,例如制定材料标准和证书的材料,资金AM项目以及如何更好地改善3D打印过程。添加/航空航天峰会将国防部的政府官员带到了设备制造商的负责人,例如GE,波音,Pratt Whitney和Northrop Grumman,来自顶级大学,材料和软件提供商的R&D实验室,以及制造商店,以解决这些问题,以解决这些问题努力将3D打印的完整整合到航空航天和防御供应链中。

Additive aerospace summit government representatives 首先,有一个半天的研讨会系列,该系列公司的行业领导者向与会者通报了与航空航天生产有关的3D打印领域的发展。研讨会将包括重要主题,例如闭环控制, which has been, so far, somewhat elusive in additive manufacturing. Without machines that can self-correct, repeatability and reliability are extremely difficult to achieve and, in the production of jet engine components, these factors are essential. Additionally, there will be a number of workshops surrounding the 3D printing of metal parts led by such leading researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,密苏里科学技术大学,宾夕法尼亚州立大学和NASA兰利研究中心。

然后,在接下来的两天,我们将有一个陈ce to hear from some truly remarkable projects and important topics facing the intersection of the 3D printing and aerospace industries. The first morning will begin with a series of keynotes from leading US government agencies, NASA, DARPA, and the US Navy, that will outline how the US is developing 3D printing technologies for use in the US military. Afterwards, there will be a number of panels tackling problems of integrating AM into existing manufacturing supply chains, featuring a number of industry leaders such asSigma Labs, LayerWise and Harvest Technologies.

加性航空航天峰会以OEM为特色 第二天的承诺更令人兴奋的话题,particularly if you’re excited by talk of jet propulsion and 3D printing ceramics. The morning will begin with presentations from leaders of NASA on how selective laser melting is allowing for the production of safer, higher quality parts that make space travel cheaper and more efficient. The afternoon will include an address from both Litholz GmbH and Ceralink Inc. on the difficulties and advantages presented by the additive manufacturing of ceramics. Finally, the day will end with a panel on how 3D printing will benefit California, in particular, with panelists like USC’s Behrokh Khoshnevis (famed house printer) discussing how the technology can be incorporated into the state’s workforce training and economic development.

The entire summit will be filled with some of the most important figures in aerospace, defense, and 3D printing. If you’ve got the time and the money and you care about your company’s future in the aerospace and additive manufacturing supply chains, you won’t want to miss it.

Source:Infocast, Inc.

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