


Kids getting excited about 3D printing!
Kids getting excited about 3D printing!



韦斯特克(Weistek)的首席执行官维奇·陈(Vicky Chen)说:“在魏斯克(Weistek),我们相信,当孩子们保持领先地位时,每个人都会获胜。因此,我们创建了这个小型企业,作为一种学习装置,使孩子们更多地了解这种破坏性技术,该技术已经开始改变了许多行业的面貌。”

What makes this printer different to others, and therefore more kid friendly? Firstly there’s the safety features. With all the mechanical parts hidden by brightly coloured surfaces, the machine looks more like a toy and is much safer than the printers already on the market.


其次,Weistek正在实施一个独特的蒸汽educational platform. The easy-to-use mobile app categorises each 3D model into a STEAM category and contains many STEAM-based activities that can be done at home or in school. The MiniToy will have a large library of 3D models to choose from, and will also have an online community platform for 3D model enthusiasts, educators and families.

有限的早期鸟特惠给早期采用者通过注册电子邮件列表来节省200美元的机会www.myminitoy.com。老师也有机会通过访问和喜欢他们的学校赢得自己的小型学校Facebook页面。More information on the competition is available there.

This looks to be an amazing tool to get kids interesting in 3D printing in a safe, fun and educational way. You can find out more about the MiniToy and the upcoming Kickstarterhere

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