3D Software

布法罗大学develops AI-driven cyber-manufacturing system to increase 3D printing efficiency



“A commercial product is the end result of a long chain of interwoven steps that may span geography, industries and different manufacturing processes,” said Hongyue Sun, Assistant Professor of industrial systems engineering at UB. “Each step may be optimized, but that doesn’t always mean it’s for the greater good of the overall production process. What we’re doing is creating an analytical framework that connects and coordinates all these processes.


3D打印机的指纹。图片通过Buffalo的Wenyao Xu/University。
3D打印机的指纹。图片通过布法罗大学的Wenyao Xu。

UB’s 3D printing research


早在2018年UB team developed PrinTracker,一个3D打印机标识系统,能够将印刷对象跟踪回创建它们的计算机。结果,该系统可以帮助执法人员打击3D打印机的潜在不道德和刑事用途。

More recently, in 2020, a UB team worked with MIT to develop a新的铁电材料for photopolymerization 3D printing, reportedly marking a “major leap” toward making synthetic materials more affordable and suitable for various applications like electronics.


Modernizing manufacturing systems

The goal of the STREAM framework is to bring the complex web of steps and processes within the supply chain under the coordinated control of a sophisticated, connected computer system. The framework will make use of AI, simulation, and other ‘Industry 4.0’ technologies to streamline and connect the different elements of supply chains within industries such as 3D printing and semiconductors.



“For instance, multiple lapping machines need to collaboratively process hundreds of wafers from ingot slicing; and the real-time process and production information of machines are interdependent and jointly determine the system’s performance.”


The project will also see the creation of a simulation and production control system for the continuous improvement of quality, manufacturability, and productivity of future multistage and distributed manufacturing systems.


As part of the project, the UB researchers will create new outreach and workforce development activities for K-12, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as working with professionals in the manufacturing field.


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Featured image shows3D打印机的指纹。图片通过布法罗大学的Wenyao Xu。