
Ultimaker通过新的Cura 5.0切片软件承诺“打印质量飞跃”

3D printer manufacturerUltimaker已经启动了其新的开源切片软件的Beta版本,库拉5.0


Ultimaker的首席技术官Miguel Calvo说:“我们相信,即使是那些以前看过3D打印并得出结论的人,可能还没有准备好使用它们,今天是时候让他们再次看。”“到目前为止,您必须使设计工作用于3D打印。是时候转到桌子了……从设计3D打印到设计的3D打印。”

“ Ultimaker Cura 5.0代表了该软件有史以来最大的印刷质量飞跃。这是3D打印技术的真正革命的开始。”

Ultimaker’s software portfolio


公司试图朝着这一目标努力的方式之一是通过引入自己的软件投资组合(包括其)学院,,,,数字工厂库拉offerings. While the former are geared towards helping users upskill, and those with multiple systems streamline print management in addition to data gathering and part digitization, the latter is a modelling software designed for simplified slicing.

Available free of charge, as well as in the upgradedEssentials,,,,专业的卓越包裹,Cura基于开源切片引擎。Built over years of in-house R&D and user input, the slicer provides adopters with the ability to either rapidly prepare prints via pre-configured profiles, or dive deep into its more than 400 settings in ‘custom mode,’ which offers granular process control.

库拉还提供与其他几个领先的CAD计划的集成,包括SolidWorks,,,,西门子NXAutodesk发明家, 一个nd Ultimaker continues to roll-out add-ons that bring new functionality to the software, one of which has seenTeton Simulationlaunch SmartSlice for Cura,使用户在打印之前可以评估零件性能的插件。

使用CURA 4.13和CURA 5.0进行填充线的比较。图像通过Ultimaker。
使用CURA 4.13和CURA 5.0进行填充线的比较。图像通过Ultimaker。


Unveiled at the recentUltimaker展示柜on April 21, 2022, the latest Cura is packed with features designed to allow users to print with greater precision, and potentially even address new applications. Chief among these additions is the software’s upgraded engine, which now allows for the use of a variable line width when slicing a part model.


To overcome what Ultimaker calls a “common shortfall for FFF 3D printing,” Cura 5.0 instead increases and decreases line widths to create the most efficient tool patch. In doing so, the software is said to allow adopters to create parts with fewer gaps on the inside and improve their build quality, particularly in those objects with ultra-thin walls and fine surface details.

“Fine detail and small features are critical to how architectural designers accurately communicate design decisions,” explains architectural designer and Cura 5.0 adopter Carlos Castillo. “While much can be done by hand, it’s much better for the speed of the process when you can draw on software to deliver what you need.”

“I’ve been putting the new Cura 5.0 through the paces in my recent projects, and have been surprised by the features that my 3D printers can now achieve. This is a big development for the entire architecture industry.”


Thanks to its new slicing engine, the program’s print profiles have received a further update as well, making them faster than ever before, and Ultimaker says that users of its machines can expect to see print time reductions of as much as 20%.

在其他地方,Cura 5.0具有改进的UI和改进的市场集成,这意味着现在应该更容易查找和安装插件和材料配置文件。Ultimaker还设法修复了影响Apple M1芯片计算机用户的各种视觉错误,使他们能够加入那些部署Cura的人,以解决新的设计,架构和工程应用程序。

那些有兴趣访问该程序的Beta的人可以download Ultimaker’s Cura 5.0 software现在通过github。

Cura 5.0潜在的3D打印应用程序中的一些。图像通过Ultimaker。
Cura 5.0潜在的3D打印应用程序中的一些。图像通过Ultimaker。


Ultimaker is far from the only 3D printer manufacturer to have launched its own slicing program, and plenty of others have now moved to establish their own software portfolio.rish3d有它的Ideamaker切片软件,构建的平台允许用户通过“一单击”参数优化算法跳过冗长的CAD处理步骤。

Prusa另一方面,提供了Prusaslicer 3D打印程序,另一个免费的开源切片软件。该平台先前称为“ SLIC3R”,具有清晰的UI,自定义支持功能和数量不断增加的材料配置文件预设。

除了机器制造商内部创建的软件外,专门的软件开发人员还提出了几个程序,旨在帮助用户优化其切片工作流程。其中之一是Helio Additive, 一个聚合物- 后面的初创企业,该公司最近发布了计划推出的计划输出和提高可靠性切片机,能够调整参数以防止打印故障。

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Featured image shows a Cura 3D printing software user. Image via Ultimaker.
