
Thyssenkrupp cements position in Singapore with Additive Manufacturing TechCenter Hub

德国跨国工程小组Thyssenkrupp是在新加坡建立一个加法制造技术中心。公司的姐妹场所同名德国枢纽which was launched in 2017, the facility is part of ongoing plans to expand its services across the Asia Pacific region. Its founding is supported by the新加坡Economic Development Board(EDB),希望此举能够加强城市国家在添加剂制造和行业4.0中的全球地位。

新加坡EDB助理董事总经理Lim Kok Kiang评论说:“ Thyssenkrupp的添加剂制造技术中心枢纽是令人兴奋的补充新加坡’sgrowing ecosystem of additive manufacturing technology providers. We are delighted that thyssenkrupp has chosen to anchor the Center in新加坡.”


From training to manufacturing on demand


Thyssenkrupp AG执行委员会的成员Donatus Kaufmann博士,负责技术与创新的负责人:“ Thyssenkrupp在工程创新方面一直处于最前沿。”


在德国,添加剂制造技术中心枢纽由EOS 3D打印机提供动力。Tyssenkrupp尚未确认新加坡将使用哪些机器。

Additive manufacturing Singapore

毫无疑问,新加坡在增材制造业的开发和实施方面进行了大量投资。2015年NTuitive,一个分支Nanyang Technological University(NTU) supporting enterprise and innovation, establish the国家添加剂制造集群(NAMIC) which, to date, has engaged 850 companies in its pursuit of widespread AM adoption. In October 2018, theMaritime and Port Authority of Singapore(MPA) expressed its intent to launch anon-port additive manufacturing facility, 和HPrecently opened aDigital Manufacturing Corporate Labin collaboration with NTU.

在此之前,德国领先的工程集团的最新技术中心公告Thyssenkrupp Marine Systemsdivision signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to work onnaval applications of additive manufacturing与新加坡的Defence Science and Technology Agency(DSTA).


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Featured image shows a metal 3D printed engine part printed by Thyssenkrupp. Photo via Youtube/Thyussenkrupp.