

白宫今天引入了一项研究executive order intended to combat patent trolling。一段时间以来,专利一直是3D印刷领域进步和创新的重要障碍。所以……行政命令的效率有多有效?

Patent trolling, simply, could be defined as the dark art of buying patents to take advantage of US liability culture. Unfortunately the inexorable trend in loosely regulated free market economics is that anything that can be taken advantage of to make profit, will be taken advantage of to make profit.

The Whitehouse blog states:


White House Patent Troll





In 2011, US Congress passed the America Invents Act (AIA). It was not very brave, not very bold, an ultimately negligible in the face of pure lust for profit.

The US patent system’s administration facility, US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is under-staffed owning to small government mentality and other factors, and consequently has a 700,000+ backlog of unexamined patents. The order makes no attempt to change this.

Also, according to the Association of Corporate Counsel, a loophole in the AIA meant that patent trolls没有被一名中央租户被阻止:起诉多名被告。目的是,那些试图将一系列公司排队以获利的专利公司的人会发现很难触发扳机,而无需支付巨大的费用。这没有发生。

Akin to the AIA, today’s order lacks the means to address some primary and fundamental systematic flaws such as:

  • 现有专利没有触及。那些巨魔建立的专利投资组合仍然完好无损。17年。
  • US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) staffing is not addressed. Overly broad patents will be rejected. Given some of the technical depth of new patents, and the 700,000+ backlog, staff will not have much time to spot them.
  • The白宫已经承认software patents are often overly broad, but doesn’t give recognition that it can be impossible for a programmer to avoid violating a patent on code. There is a certain analogy with the world ‘the’ being patented in the world of journalism.


Yet a generation are now beset with debt equivalent to the price of a house each. The houses that those individual’s parents purchased mortgages for with toxic assets. The houses they lost. That’s minus two houses for A LOT of people: people who only had one to begin with.

Patents, innovation, and economics, are very serious games.


However, to end on a positive, today may be a great day for product stand owners and smartphone designers everywhere.

