Medical & Dental


研究人员Southwest Research Institute(SWRI)在圣安东尼奥和得克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校(UTSA) are developing a 3D printed implant which can deliver a controlled medicine dosage over several weeks. The device could be used to help treat infections or provide ailment to patients suffering from things like arthritis, cancer or AIDS.

项目联合领导者阿尔伯特·Zwiener(Albert Zwiener)表示:“植入物除了病史和其他健康问题外,还针对特定患者的疾病。我们将这种非侵入装置注入人体中,以在很长一段时间内提供药物。”

Concept image of the Multistage Polymer Delivery System. Image via SwRI.
Concept image of the Multistage Polymer Delivery System. Image via SwRI.


For a drug to be effective, patients must take a specific amount based on their condition. Because of this, patients who require frequent doses have to take daily medication or visit a doctor for treatment. With the SwRI/UTSA implant, a controlled, personalized dose of medicine can be automatically delivered to the patient over several weeks.


研究团队计划使用UTSA的专门3D打印机来创建该设备,该打印机可以打印可生物降解的材料。这使得不必要地去除植入物dissolve once treatment is complete。植入也是工程引发localized immunotherapy, which causes the body to attack cancerous tumors. While the implant is ideal for cancer treatment, it’s designed to work with any type of drug and could have a significant impact on a wide array of diseases and ailments.

Lyle Hood, project’s other co-leader spoke on the medical applications of the implant, stating

“If clinically translated, this would allow for doctors and pharmacists to print specific dosages to meet patients needs. In immunotherapy, most strategies employ systemic circulation through an IV line, much like chemotherapy. This can cause issues with immune reactions far away from the intended target. We hope that by delivering locally, we can keep acute effects constrained to the diseased region.”

Forticore tlif 3D印刷钛窥视物。通过Nanovis的照片。

Investing 3D printed medical implants

In recent years, 3D printing has become ubiquitous as a treatment for complex medical issues. Last year, medical device manufacturer,SI-BONE, announced FDA clearance for它的3D打印钛医学植入物。医疗设备制造商,Stryker,最近资助了92.9万美元的癌症患者3D打印骨植入物的项目。And Texan medical device company,Osseus融合系统,开发了一个集合3D printed spinal implants known as Aries

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Featured image shows a concept of SwRI/UTSA implant device. Image via SwRI.