
新的$ 138K研究项目,以增强3D印刷热交换器性能和新铝合金

Heat exchanger 3D printing specialistConflux技术has teamed up with迪肯大学的School of Engineering and Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) to develop new aluminum alloys for its 3D printed heat exchangers.

The research project is supported by $138,000 in funding from the创新制造合作研究中心(IMCRC) and over the next nine months will aim to produce alloys with enhanced material properties that will enhance the capabilities of Conflux’s heat exchangers.

IMCRC的制造创新经理Matthew Young博士说:“支持特定于3D打印处理条件的新型合金开发将使热量交换效率最大化,从而使澳大利亚的许多部门受益于从航空航天到能源。”“更广泛地说,它将使澳大利亚制造主权能力能够生产具有改善性能,几何形状和制造的产品。


Conflux technology's 3D printed heat exchanger. Photo via Conflux Technology.
Conflux Technology的3D打印热交换器。通过Conflux Technology的照片。


Priding itself on being a “thermal technology pioneer” andbacked by the likes of AM Ventures,Conflux由Formula 1,World Rally和Le Mans获胜的赛车的工程师兼设计师Michael Fuller于2017年成立。Fuller利用金属3D打印将其从赛车界的热交换器传达到其他行业,例如航空航天,汽车和石油和天然气等行业。


In October last year, Conflux关闭了850万美元的AUD融资回合并宣布在其研发工作流程中取得了重大突破。该公司采用了澳大利亚的“同步器”粒子加速器为了识别3D打印零件中的隐藏异常,并在亚宏观水平上检查其热交换器。借助新现金,该公司表示,计划将其从研发过渡到“成熟生产”。

A cross section of two micro tubes – one built using standard parameters, the other using Conflux’s custom parameters.
A cross-section of two micro tubes – one built using standard parameters, the other using Conflux’s custom parameters. Image via Conflux Technology.

Improving heat exchanger performance

According to Conflux, its 3D printing-led approach delivers heat exchangers with significant geometrical advantages which cannot be achieved via conventional manufacturing techniques. Now, the firm is endeavoring to improve the performance of its heat exchangers further through developing new aluminum alloys with Deakin University. The two partners will look to develop aluminum heat exchanger alloys with enhanced material properties that optimize the devices’ heat exchange capabilities.


研究合作伙伴关系是IMCRC激活项目的一部分,该中心认为该项目可以在澳大利亚的增材制造能力中取得重大进展。激活计划于2020年介绍,以支持短期,行业领导的研究项目,以帮助澳大利亚制造商离开19 Covid-19-19的大流行,从而获得竞争优势。


Conflux将与Deakin University的工程学院和IFM合作,以设计,制造和特征新颖的铝合金。该大学的IFM创建了一个尖端的软件,该软件可以加速合金设计并优化合金工艺,从而比传统的“反复试验”技术提供了显着的好处。

迪肯大学的Qi Chao博士说:“目前,有限的材料可用于3D打印,其中很少有热量交换应用所需的理想材料特性。”“为了解决这一问题,Conflux Technology的团队从他们在热交换器设计和制造方面的丰富经验中汲取了借助,以定义改善产品所需的增强材料属性。

“Using our rapid alloy development program, we can then deliver them the next generation of competitive and high-performance novel aluminum alloys for industrial application.”


Alongside Conflux, there are several other players making significant advances within 3D printed heat exchanger applications.

3D打印机制造商3D系统is currently helping the陆军研究实验室(arl)发展拓扑优化的热交换器对于美军和固态金属3D印刷专家Fabrisonicis continuing its partnership withNASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratoryto produce3D printed heat exchangers for its spacecraftusing its proprietary ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM) technology.

Last year,GE Research当它成功测试了一个新颖的3D印刷热交换器原型时,达到了热里程碑。高达900°C的温度,而研究人员在RMIT Universitydeveloped their own set of下一代3D打印冷却设备这可能是解决Hypersonic Flight最大问题之一的关键。

Elsewhere, a team of researchers from theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign利用3D打印来生产下一代超紧凑热交换器,据报道delivers performance increases of up to 2,000 percent.

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特色图片显示Conflux Technology的3D打印热交换器。通过Conflux Technology的照片。