


Using a ‘click chemistry’ reaction, the scientists’ method enables waste ABS to be turned into a ‘vitrimer,’ a polymer with the recyclability of thermoplastics and mechanical qualities of thermosets. According to the team, this “readily adoptable” process could serve as a basis for the introduction of “a closed-loop strategy,” that reduces the need for new plastics and cuts emissions tied to their production.

“We will need fundamental discoveries to overcome the challenges of increased costs and deteriorating material properties associated with recycling,” said lead author Tomonori Saito of ORNL’s Chemical Sciences Division. “Our goal was to develop an easily adoptable strategy that reuses plastic waste to create a more valuable material instead of generating fresh plastic.”

Ornl的Sunjin Kim 3D使用“玻璃二聚体”打印。通过美国能源部的Genevieve Martin/Ornl摄影。
Ornl的Sungjin Kim 3D使用“玻璃二聚体”。照片通过美国能源部的Genevieve Martin/Ornl的照片。

Tackling single-use plastic production

In the researchers’ paper, they highlight how the production and incineration of plastics is set to be responsible for 16% of all global net carbon emissions by 2050. With this in mind, they say the development of circular alternatives to single-use polymers is set to be crucial to the realization of net-zero manufacturing, and tackling global climate challenges.

However, developing such materials for FFF 3D printing has proven difficult thus far, as they need to be extrudable and printable, something that often renders cross-linked thermosets incompatible. As a result, despite users of the technology making up most of the market, they continue to miss out the mechanochemical properties of thermosets, such as epoxy, and have to settle for non-recyclable filaments.

话虽这么说,ABS的高流动性和快速变化成刚性结构的能力已被FFF 3D打印用户和制造商所采用。鉴于材料和挤出技术的普及,ORNL科学家已将它们确定为可持续闭环工艺的理想基础,能够作为一次性聚合物生产的替代方法。

该团队在论文中解释说:“ ABS是具有广泛应用的最广泛使用的FFF打印机聚合物之一。”“如果被丢弃,则可以将像ABS这样的商品热塑性塑料升级为具有增强的机械化学特性的材料,并在所需的3D结构中(重新)可打印性,这种策略可以使变革性制造能够使变革性制造朝着更好的可持续性化。”

The researchers' ABS upcycling process. Image via ORNL.


为了将ABS转化为可回收的FFF 3D可打印玻璃二聚体,研究人员专注于其橡胶丁二烯片段,其中包含使其可重复使用所需的不饱和双键。通过将二醛和cysteamine(传统上掺入眼睛和皮肤药物)中添加到这些化学物质中,该团队发现可以使它们功能化和转换它们。

With the aim of testing the efficacy of this ‘click chemistry’ reaction, the scientists decided to 3D print parts from six different upcycled ABS formulations, before putting them through strength testing. Initial results showed that one material, ‘ALD-66,’ had an ultimate tensile of 44 MPa, making it over 80% stronger than neat ABS. However, the team ultimately chose to proceed with ‘ALD-33’ instead, due to its toughness and ductility, properties that are “desirable for fracture-free printing.”




ORNL的博士后研究员Sungjin Kim补充说:“这种方法非常通用。”“恢复的升级ABS可以一次又一次地重复使用,以使FFF最少,而属性损失最小。它也可以与混合和标准的ABS结合使用,并直接将其作为混合物印刷。”


维季姆河的分离过程和一些浪费the models produced using initial samples. Images via ORNL.

Formulating sustainable filaments

与更广泛的制造界一样,桌面3D打印机用户越来越多地转向更具可持续性的灯丝,而物质开发人员的投资组合开始反映出这一不断增长的需求。布拉斯姆released its首先可持续3D打印丝线上个月Rapid+TCT 2022由基于生物的EVA组成,再生聚乙烯(PE)和聚丙烯(PP)。

同样,在今年向南向南Innovation Awards,UBQ材料在投机设计类别中被认可基于废物的3D打印材料。“气候阳性”热塑性塑料旨在使碳足迹减少的复杂零件的添加剂制造。

在其他地方,在更实验的层面上,Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院)提出了新型植物衍生的复合材料。3D可打印材料使用合成塑料和纤维素纳米晶体(CNC)的混合物创建,据说具有类似于软体动物外壳的结构。

研究人员的发现在其论文中详细介绍了“通过动态交联,升级商品塑料的闭环添加剂制造。”这项研究由Sungjin Kim,Anisur Ra​​hman,Arifuzzaman,Dustin B. Gilmer,Bingrui Li,Jackson K. Wilt,Edgar Lara-Curzio和Tomonori Saito合着。

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特色图片显示了Ornl的Sungjin Kim 3D使用“ Vitrimer”。照片通过美国能源部的Genevieve Martin/Ornl的照片。
