
桑德维克unveils new cemented carbide that can be 3D printed into “up to 20 times longer” lasting parts

瑞典跨国工程公司桑德维克has announced the development of a novel 3D printable cemented carbide.


Using an in-house developed process, Sandvik says it has now come up with a new cemented carbide powder, which can more rapidly be 3D printed into objects that last “up to 20 times longer” than those produced from other steels or alloys.

Sandvik添加剂制造业的首席产品经理Anders Ohlsson解释说:“我们的粉末可以优化,可以打印出看起来不错,运行良好的组件,并且适合在实际应用,苛刻的环境和串行生产中使用。”“也值得一提的是,3D打印果皮的能力迅速提高了我们的市场时间。原型用于需要6-12个月的原型 - 现在我们的交付时间是数周的问题。”

“Sandvik has developed both a powder and a process that are unique.”


While Sandvik’s operations cover the metal cutting, digital manufacturing, mining and construction industries, its 3D printing operations generally focus on the development of powders, as well as its consultancy and manufacturing services.


One way that the materials have been applied recently, is as part ofGE添加剂Binder Jet Beta Partner Program。在2020年末达成了战略合作伙伴关系之后,Sandvik使用其Osprey Powders提供GE Addiver的粉末H2 Binder Jet 3D printer测试制度,以换取能够将计算机本身用于生产目的。


桑德维克's super-duplex steel 3D printed optimized offshore impeller.

Introducing a new cemented carbide



Developed via an undisclosed ‘patented process,’ this powder is said to enable the production of the same ultra-robust parts as before, while also harnessing the reduced wastage and increased design freedom that comes with 3D printing.

“When implementing additive manufacturing into your business, you basically eliminate all previous design restrictions – enabling you to focus on designing components based on operational needs and requirements, without having to adapt to a specific shape or form,” adds Ohlsson. “Cemented carbide is one of the very hardest, if not the hardest material available in 3D printed shape as of today.”

A handful of parts 3D printed from Sandvik’s cemented carbide. Photo via Sandvik.

为了证明其新粉末的潜在应用,Sandvik 3D将其打印到了电线绘图笔尖,作为最近的研发项目的一部分。根据该公司的说法,该部分具有闭环螺旋冷却液通道,使其能够在保持电线干燥的同时实现有效的冷却,这是“如果没有添加剂制造,这是不可能实现的。”


Sandvik Addivity Manufacturing的业务部门经理Mikael Schuisky博士总结说:“得益于我们在材料技术方面的长期经验以及我们在添加价值链上的专业知识搭配使用的专业知识。”“这使我们在3D打印的工业化方面具有独特的位置,并且证明可持续制造不仅是可能的,而且已经发生了。”


桑德维克’s 3D printed cemented carbide wire drawing nib. Image via Sandvik.


尽管桑德维克(Sandvik)的水泥碳化物突破无疑令人印象深刻,但它远非第一个开始研究该材料的3D打印潜力的地方。实际上,就在2019年之前VBN组件cemented carbideVibenite 480材料赢得了MM Maschinenmarkt增材制造创新奖。

Elsewhere, a number of other ‘superalloys’ have also been developed, specifically with the additive manufacturing of high-strength components in mind. Early last year, researchers at加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校and橡树岭国家实验室揭示他们会想出一个新的抗缺陷的3D打印超合金, capable of overcoming the cracking issues often seen in high-temp PBF-produced parts.

Similarly,Rosswag Engineering合格其基于镍的黄蜂不久前,据说具有出色的腐蚀和氧化耐药性。在公司初步测试中,怀黄岩显示出1403 MPa的拉伸强度,并在21%的中断时伸长,将其具有优越的特性,可用于诸如Inconel 718之类的金属,通常用于解决要求的航空航天应用。

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