3DP Applications


Today’s 3D printing news sliced features updates from Boeing, TCT, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Hubs, Mcor, TRUMPF, Sintavia, Organovo, DuPont, Haydale Graphene, Shapeways, Builder Extreme, Cubibot, nano-tera, The Government of Dubai, Bloodhound, The Science Museum of Virginia, Aspect Biosystems, InSCREENeX, Swinburne University, The University of Maryland, PAMM, and Adam Savage.


The United Arab Emirates has launched the Mars City project, a planet colonisation simulation project to rival that of SpaceX andNASA。Of particular interest within the site is a museum with smooth 3D printed walls comprising sand from the Emirati desert.


斯威本大学of Technology, in Melbourne, Australia has received AU$135 million from German electronics giant Siemens to invest in industry-class digital tools. The donation will go towards turning the斯威本大学of Technology’s Manufacturing Futures Research Institute进入完全数字行业4.0制造研究机构。该研究所的行业4.0分析包括对定制添加剂制造,自动化机械和石墨烯应用程序的研究。

佛罗里达州迈阿密的佩雷斯美术馆(PAMM)将举办3D printed mobile café, named “Cucuyo”。在其中心将是一个3D印刷的不锈钢茧结构,重量超过300公斤。该结构是由Berenblum Busch建筑设计的,由阿姆斯特丹车间MX3D在三个不同的部分制造。结构本身可以拆卸并移动到其他地方。

The Cucuyo café-bar in MX3D workshop. Photo via MX3D.

New announcements from Mcor, Sintavia, Trumpf, Cubibot and Builder 3D Printers

Irish 3D Printing company Mcor宣布Creat3D将成为其MCOR Arke Desktop Color 3D打印机的转售合作伙伴。该新闻是MCOR与Sony Xperia新的3D Creator移动应用程序的合作关系和演示。

建筑商3D打印机has launched its Extreme 1000 printer, with a build volume of 700x700x820 mm and filament spools of 4.5kg.


Metal powder and alloy manufacturing company Sintavia has announced a partnership with laser 3D printer company Trumpf for working on machine qualifications for aerospace applications. The agreement see the TRUMPF TruPrint 3000 installed at Sintavia’s Florida facility.

Cubibot,a3D printing startup来自父亲和儿子小组Aria和Sina Noorazar,已以199美元的价格推出了第一批预订和早期支持者的打印机。第一批单元定于2018年初发货。

Cubibotin use 3D printed architecture models. Gif by Cubibot.
Cubibotin use 3D printed architecture models. Gif by Cubibot.

DuPont flexible filaments, Haydale PLA, FOMAS group, Inteco, VBN Components, Somos and Royal DSM

DuPont has announced that their Hytrel thermoplastic elastomer and DuPont Zytel nylon-based filaments will now be sold in Canada, the US and Mexico through Coex LLC.

London based Haydale Graphene Industries PLC has sold its first 3D printing materials in China. The purchase of silicon carbide fibers and PLA 3D printing material was made through shareholder Everpower.

3D枢纽将与Royal DSM合作,使用Somos表演材料生产3D打印工具和模具。

Somos PerFORM material. Photo via 3D Hubs.
Somos PerFORM material. Photo via 3D Hubs.

Italy-based FOMAS group and Austrian company Inteco have signed a cooperation agreement to produce additive manufacturing metal powders.

VBN Components and LKAB Wassara, both based in Sweden, are to collaborate over the use of VBN’s “Vibenite” wear resistant materials for additively manufacturing water-powered drilling equipment. The partnership will increase the efficiency of prototyping and developing LKAB Wassara’s engineering equipment.

Vibenite 3 d打印齿轮组。照片通过VBN科技nologies.
Vibenite 3 d打印齿轮组。照片通过VBN科技nologies.

The winners of Formnext’s startup challenge include a host of additive manufacturing startups including Additive Manufacturing Technologies with PostPro3D post processing solution for 3D printed objects. The full list of winners and their products可以在这里找到

Fast Cars and Jetpacks

The Bloodhound SSC, which was使用3D印刷金属零件进行原型由Renishaw生产的,已经进行了首次高速测试。希望超音速汽车最终能够创造超过1000英里 /小时的陆地速度记录。

The distinct appearance of the Bloodhound SSC. Image via Renishaw.
The distinct appearance of the Bloodhound SSC. Image via Renishaw.

波音is to sponsor a competition to develop a jet pack, with a $2 million prize. The “Go Fly Prize”. The Prize’s originator, Gwen Lighter named 3D printing as one of the manufacturing processes which may be used in combination with autonomous vehicles to produce a working jet pack.

Contractile tissue, conductive microfibers, miniature kidneys and printed retinas

方面生物系统, notable for its bioprinting technologies, is collaborating with cellular testing company InSCREENeX and the Fraunhofer institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) to expand Aspect’s applications for printed contractile cell tissue. The Canadian company’s current Lab-on-a Printer used coaxial flow focusing to generate a cell-laden biological fiber within the cartridge and print it as a 3D structure, resulting inAspect’s Bioring platform, which mimics actual human muscle tissue. Using InScreenX’s cell systems and Fraunhofer ITEM’s toxicology testing, Aspect’s bioprinting platform will be integral to the development of new medicines.

Aspect's bioprinter in action. Photo via Aspect Biosystems.
Aspect’s bioprinter in action. Photo via Aspect Biosystems.

美国国家眼科研究所已授予$ 90,000to the University of Maryland’s ScD group, for their proposal to 3D screen print layers of adult neural progenitor-derived retinal neurons, which resemble the structure of the human retina. The proposal won the NEI’s 3D Retina Organoid challenge.

Researchers at the University of Maryland have also combined carbon nanotubes with nanofibriliated cellulose to产生导电微纤维。These microfibers can be 3D printed quickly and used in wearable and flexible electronics.

Organovo 3D打印机将由Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Reasearch Institute进行肾脏疾病的研究。该机器将用于生物构图微型肾脏,可以在其中测试新药,使试验更加安全,并大大减少了接收结果所需的时间。


保罗•库希拉在美国国家中心的科学家for Atmospheric Research, and Martin Steinson, from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research have created a solar powered 3D printed weather station for the The Science Museum of Virginia at Richmond. The apparatus cost $400 to print and build and it was set up in a matter of hours. The pair eventually hope to make the .STL files for the weather station open sourcefor use all over the world

来自瑞士的École理工学院的研究人员使用3D打印来创建一个能够游泳的鳗鱼样机器人,以测量湖泊中的污染水平。Named the envirobot,它是Swizerland的Nano-TERA计划的一部分,旨在开发用于健康,环境和能源应用的复杂工程系统。


Valve Corporation是一家以其Steam Computer Game平台而闻名的视频游戏开发人员,已与Shapeways签署了一项协议。这将使他们可以从其特许经营权和3D打印字符自定义和3D打印字符在形状上出售它们

粉丝of DOTA will be especially happy. Image via Shapeways.
粉丝of DOTA will be especially happy. Image via Shapeways.

Berlin Artists Katya Kováks and Tom O’Doherty have created a 3D printed speaker instillation at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.命名为“信号潮”, the instillation engages with unexplained signals transmitted by Lincoln Experimental Satellite (LES-1), decades after it fell into disuse.

高架扬声器播放卫星的音频信号,而音乐三个,即传统民歌的新版本短暂Days,Funeral Anthem, 和The Lone Pilgrim小夜曲当它到达地球时。

Designer and presenterAdam Savage is visiting a range of maker-spaces作为测试生产的网络系列的一部分。该系列中的特色是一系列数字制造中心,其中一些中心在铣削和焊接旁边使用3D打印。


FDM印刷的发明者Scott Crump,Stratasys的联合创始人是入选TCT名人堂, for his contribution to additive manufacturing. Joining him as an inductee isDr Adrian Bowyer, inventor of RepRap. Congratulations also go to Chuck Hull of 3D Systems who inventing Stereolithography, Hans Langer the Founder of EOS and Materialise founderFried Vancraen

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特色图像显示了来自Fact Biosystems的3D打印肌肉环。通过方面生物系统的照片。