

3D printed buildings on Mars are a stage closer withNASA’s announcement of the latest results in its3D Printed Habitat Centennial Challenge

In conjunction with the布拉德利·佩罗里亚大学, Illinois, the Habitat Challenge invites proposals for 3D printed off-world structures that can be made with the kind of materials available on Mars.

孟西罗马,program manager for NASA’s Centennial Challenges,说,“They are not just designing structures, they are designing habitats that will allow our space explorers to live and work on other planets. We are excited to see their designs come to life as the competition moves forward.”


考虑到限制和运输成本ing materials to Mars, using in situ resources is an area of大量研究活动。例如,NASA data表明,使用Antares NASA ISS货物,将一公斤有效载荷放入低地轨道(LEO)和Pegasus XL的成本超过10,000美元,而Pegasus XL的成本超过100,000美元。


By using火星雷果地,红色行星的松散基岩或其他可供太空材料(例如ICE)希望能够大幅降低这个价格。


NASA Habitat Challenge is divided into three phases, with 18 teams taking part.


For Phase 2, the Structural Member Competition, completed in 2017, NASA partnered with the Bradley University of Peroria, Illinois. This phase required that the teams build elements of the structures either from a combination of indigenous materials and recyclables, or indigenous materials alone. Phase 2 had a prize purse of $1.1 million and served as a qualifier for the next phase.

Foster + Partners 2在Centennial Challenge 1阶段在火星上的3D印刷栖息地获奖。图片通过“ Team Gamma” Foster + Partners/Astrobotic的图像
Foster + Partners奖励在Centennial Challenge的第1阶段在火星上获得3D印刷栖息地的奖励设计。图片通过“ Team Gamma” Foster + Partners/Astrobotic的图像

这competition is now in its final phase: the On-Site Habitat Competition. There are three construction levels and two virtual levels. At the virtual levels, teams must use Building Information Modelling (BIM) software to design the habitats. Finally, at the construction levels, the teams must be prepared to autonomously 3D print the elements of the habitat.

Phase 3 winners of NASA’s 3D Printed Habitat Centennial Challenge


- 来自阿肯色州罗杰斯的Zopherus团队是一等奖20,957.95美元的冠军。

-AI。纽约的Skunkworks SpaceFactory凭借全球建筑实践赢得了二等奖,$ 20,957.24。

-Kahn-Yates, Mississippi, a team of design and architecture firm, the卡恩公司,占领第三名,被授予20,622.74美元。

- 第四名($ 19,580.97)被占领搜索+/APICorof New York, known for3D printing a building in 24 hours

- 第五名是伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿西北大学,赢得了17,881.10美元。



A funky multi-storied 3D printed house, that looks like a set-piece from a 60s space movie, was SEArch+/Apis Cor’s contribution to the project.

该建筑有9个步骤。它始于部署有效载荷。在第五步中,该结构的基础是3D打印的,在第八步中,自主机器人3D打印Regolith Shell,在第九步植物中生长了,该结构已准备就绪,可以供工作人员到达。

Multi story house designed by SEArch+/Apis Cor. Photo via msn
由搜索+/apis cor设计的多层房屋。通过MSN的照片


Other space organizations and companies are also looking towards 3D printing technology to provide solutions in space.

欧洲航天局(ESA)总部位于法国巴黎,与fotec,一个研发部门应用科学大学,奥地利和3D从包含“Mars dust”.

月球和火星的采矿资源是空间行业的下一个野心。Moon Express(加利福尼亚),一家参与的公司Google Lunar XPRIZE希望超越赢得奖品,并找到为其资源开采月球的方法。

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Featured image shows the virtual design of AI. SpaceFactory’s Mars habitat named “MASHA”. Photo via NASA