3D Platforms

Meltio’s partnership with 12 leading software companies to ensure hybrid and robotic AM adoption

Laser metal deposition technology manufacturerMeltio宣布了其新的Meltio Engine Software Partners生态系统。该公司认为,这将确保一系列可靠的软件解决方案为客户确定其理想的软件解决方案Meltio Engine CNC集成andMeltio Engine Robot Integration通过这种伙伴关系。

该公司认为,这一步骤将通过将添加剂制造市场中的关键软件参与者汇总在一起,从而提供端到端的增材制造软件解决方案。加入Meltio Engine的软件合作伙伴生态系统的混合动力和机器人平台的公司是SKM DCAM经过SKM Informatik,,,,AdaOne经过Adaxis,,,,AiSync经过aibuild,,,,Esprit byHexagon,,,,Fusion 360经过Autodesk,,,,Aplus+Mastercam经过Camufacturingand万事车,,,,HyperMill经过开放的心态,,,,SiemensNX经过Siemens,,,,Hy5CAM by1ATECHNOLOGIES,,,,RobotStudio 3D打印PowerPack经过abb,,,,andSprutCAM X经过sprutcam。

“For a year we have been working with all of them sharing the needs that we understood most suitable for our customers, going as far as sharing as well as in some cases sharing the mathematical algorithms needed for the functionalities we required. This collaboration between our engineers and the teams of these companies has now resulted in offering this software platform to the market,” said Ángel Llavero, CEO of Meltio.

Companies who’ve joined Meltio’s Engine Software Partner Ecosystem. Image via Meltio.


Meltio intends to provide an open platform for hardware (any robot or CNC) as well as software that enables the use of any software to manufacture metal parts and meet the market’s increasing demands for hybrid and robotic additive manufacturing processes.

这company believes it is critical to offer a great user experience, and consequently has developed a process for technically validating each solution, which it claims excludes extra work between the end user and each software provider. For instance, characterizing post-processors, or ensuring that specific software can utilize the full potential of the Meltio Engine, such as the ability to use two materials in the same part (Dual-Wire). Meltio claims that its engineers have researched the technical requirements for developing slicing strategies for the majority of the parts required by the industry. They’ve defined nine levels of complexity, including example geometries that aid customers and developers understand the variety of parts.


“有了这个联盟,Meltio将消息发送给我们的所有Meltio Engine CNC和机器人集成客户的信息,这些软件已经过测试和认证,以处理和正确使用Meltio的技术。通过与主要软件开发公司达成新协议,我们继续我们的战略目标,以促进和民主化金属添加剂制造。易用性和技术对我们来说是关键。Meleltio的工业客户可以保证任何软件程序都可以保证用户体验。” Meltio首席执行官补充说。

Meltio’s Engine CNC Integration Hybrid Manufacturing. Image via Meltio.


世界经济论坛(WEF) previously published awhite paper详细说明了潜在的路线图,以快速推动瑞士达沃斯迅速采用3D印刷。尽管围绕3D打印的“炒作循环”似乎是“ WEF”,但WEF表示,“并非所有的预测和预测”有关其潜力“已成为现实”。为了使技术更具弹性,灵活和可持续性,该集团使用其论文发布了七点行业的行动呼吁,目的是最终达到2010年代初期预期的大规模转移点。

“By following the proposed call to action presented in our paper, a major leap in industrializing AM can be jointly developed from within the是生态系统,,,,” reads the WEF’s paper. “With these changes, future business models and many new applications will be feasible in the next five to ten years, leading to a steady growth of the overall market, and offering the disruptive potential for some industries.”

Furthermore, in 2018, theOerlikon Group’sSecond Munich Technology Conference(MTC2)收集了来自全球的行业专业人员,讨论添加剂制造生态系统的工业化。这3D Printing Industry returned for the second year to join over 1000 attendees over the two-day conference, a significant rise from the estimated 600 attendees at MTC1 in 2017. Professionals from the MTC2 discussed a plethora of ideas for a successful additive manufacturing ecosystem, addressing industry challenges and potential solutions.

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Feature image shows companies who’ve joined Meltio’s Engine Software Partner Ecosystem. Image via Meltio.

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