3D Printers

Makerbot Takes Centre Stage at CES 2013

Makerbot昨天在CES(消费电子展)度过了非常忙碌的第一天。一夜之间,图像和信息从拉斯维加斯流下的电线表明,布雷·佩蒂斯(Bre Pettis)和他的团队正在吸引人群。

随着许多公告,尤其是复制者2X的揭幕,当Bre自己脱下封面时,人和摄像头围着看台。这是复制器2的实验版本,我们知道它即将到来,因为它是在去年9月宣布的,当时Makerbot引入了复制器2. Replicator 2 X x,但是,Replicator 2X带有两个挤出机 - 称为DualStrusion-被称为DualStrusion-和一个加热的构建板。

According to Makerbot though, Dualstrusion is the key to unlocking the power of 3D printing for “daredevils and experimenters to explore the frontiers of 3D printing.” Or as a tweeting onlooker, Barry Schuler, put it, “the Rep 2X is positioned for the ‘Special Forces’ of makers”. These daredevils will require $2,799 if they do want the Replicator 2X on their desks or in their sheds however. The benefits of dual extrusion include two colour printing, printing with a dissolvable support material like PVA, varying densities of printed parts, simultaneous dual printing and variable resolution.


Other announcements from Makerbot yesterday included an update toThingiverse- 公司托管的3D模型共享网站。Thingiverse 2.0似乎已经竖起大拇指,并结合了一个新的API,允许第三方开发人员访问该网站的功能和MakerBot Customizer, of which Bre reportedly commented , “I look forward to seeing all your heads explode.”

And finally, as if he hasn’t been busy enough, there were also signed copies of Bre’s new book available at CES. Entitled ‘Getting Started with Makerbot’ it’s obviously targeting the non-daredevils. My hope is that I will get a review copy soon, which I will obviously share here on 3DPI.

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