
Makerbot collaboration for education

Makerbot宣布,他们将为印度的800多名学校教师提供3D打印教学计划。Vel Tech University位于钦奈,Makerbot根据地方政府制定了该项目。该计划旨在为印度的年轻学生准备未来的技术。预计该计划将培训教师如何在课堂上使用3D打印机,以鼓励创造力和设计以及解决问题。该计划专门针对科学,技术,工程,艺术和数学(Steam)量身定制。

Image: MakerBot
Image: MakerBot


Delhi based3Dexter is also pushing the education system to incorporate 3D printing.


根据最近的财务报告,Makerbot收入下跌了近30%Stratasys’ share price and revenue drop.

On the collaboration with MakerBot, Dr. U. Chandrasekhar Pro Vice Chancellor at the University said

Veltech recognizes the importance of teaching critical thinking and STEAM-related skills. We are dedicated to building a new education foundation in India through a more interactive and engaging approach with 3D design and printing. Together with MakerBot,a leader in desktop 3D printing solutions,我们很高兴冒险进行变革之旅,并将我们的成功和经验传递给学术界的其他志趣相投的专业人员。

Featured Image via MakerBot