3D Printers

Kudo3D发布了新的3D打印机,Titan 2

自2014年5月推出的Kickstarter推出以来,Kudo3D一直在努力在3D印刷行业中发挥作用。Kudo3D的Titan 1已被广泛用于世界各地的珠宝,牙科,学者,游戏和快速原型工业。现在在2016年6月,Kudo3D刚刚推出了其第二代3D打印机Titan 2。

“While staying true to its original Titan 1 base – a patent pending passive self-peeling (PSP) technology, the Titan 2 has new upgrades that provide a more user-friendly experience, including wireless connection and web-based controlling software. We also add a shutter to reduce background exposure to extend resin lifetime and a mask option to make the intensity more uniform. We are always dedicated to improve our 3D printing technology to meet the demands for different applications.” said Tedd Syao, President of Kudo3D.

Kudo3D Titan 2

It is easier to install and configure Titan 2 now. Titan 2 is WiFi enabled with built-in
Raspberry Pi 3, so it doesn’t need to connect the printer to the computer and it will be independent from the user’s computer. Only one power cord is required to run the Titan 2. The new web-based controlling software is compatible with PC (windows, Mac, Linux) or device (smartphones, tablets). One PC or device can be used to manage multiple Titan 2 which is helpful for those who would like to use the printer to setup a production line. At the same time, the new mesh-like build platform reduces the vacuum force between layers and make printing a lot easier.

将打印机推向极端,Titan 2可以打印出其他低成本SLA打印机无法实现的精美功能。在下面的显微镜拍摄的图像中,用泰坦2打印了一个45微米的细针。该针的直径小于一束头发的直径一半。

3D Printed Hair

新的Titan 2主体将完全组装和校准,从而使首次用户更容易启动过程。此外,为了庆祝新版本,泰坦2折扣将在2016年6月19日之前下达订单。请参阅www.kudo3d.com更多细节!